Augustness and Excellence of the Passage
The passage of present discussion spans ayahs (verses) 190-195 of surah (chapter) Al-e-`Imran.This passage is of particular significance for it outlines the Qur’anic mode of reasoning as it relates to thesynthesis of iman (faith). The excellence of this passage is indicated by the fact that the ProphetMuhammad (SAW) had an especial fondness for these ayahs. It would suffice to quote two hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) to convey the excellence of this passage:
bin `Umar once inquired of Aisha (RAA):’O Mother of the Faithful! Tell me
something about the Prophet (SAW) which was most dear to you.’ She replied,
‘Everything about the Prophet (SAW) was endearing and charming. However, as you
have enquired, I will convey to you an incident. One night the Prophet (SAW)
came to me (to spend the night and after a while), he asked me, ‘O Aishah!
Permit me to worship my Lord tonight.’ I replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I fancy
your company but that which is beloved to you is even more beloved to me. You
have my permission.’ The Prophet (SAW) then stood in prayer and began to weep to
the point that his beard became drenched with tears. Then he made a
long prostration and during this time he kept weeping so much so that the place
of prostration became drenched with tears. Then he lied down (after prayer) but
his weeping continued until it was dawn.
At this time Bilal (RAA) came to inform him (SAW) of the morning prayer and upon seeing the Prophet’s condition,tried to cajole him: ‘O Prophet (SAW) for what reason do you weep? Even if you have committed a mistake then Allah (SWT) has already forgiven all your mistakes.’ To this the Prophet (SAW) replied, ‘O Bilal! Why would I not weep when my Lord has revealed tonight these ayahs upon me.’ After this the Prophet (SAW)recited: ‘Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed Signs for men of understanding… ‘” [Quoted in Al-Tafseer al-Kabeer]
At this time Bilal (RAA) came to inform him (SAW) of the morning prayer and upon seeing the Prophet’s condition,tried to cajole him: ‘O Prophet (SAW) for what reason do you weep? Even if you have committed a mistake then Allah (SWT) has already forgiven all your mistakes.’ To this the Prophet (SAW) replied, ‘O Bilal! Why would I not weep when my Lord has revealed tonight these ayahs upon me.’ After this the Prophet (SAW)recited: ‘Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed Signs for men of understanding… ‘” [Quoted in Al-Tafseer al-Kabeer]
In another
hadith Ali (RAA) relates:
It was a
routine of the Prophet (SAW) that whenever he (SAW) woke up for night prayers
he (SAW) wouldrecite these (same) verses. [Quoted in Al-Tafseer al-Kabeer]
These two
narrations indicate that the Prophet (SAW) had a strong penchant for the ayahs
The Theme of the Passage: Synthesis of Faith
The theme of this passage is the synthesis of iman; that is, how does iman come into being?What is the mutual relation among the three main articles of iman –Allah (SWT), the Hereafter and the Prophets? What is the Qur’anic mode of argument regarding iman? What is the Qur’anic approach towards the confirmation of the life Hereafter? What are the practical manifestations of iman once it takesroot in a believer? These are all important questions that lie at the heart of the Qur’anic discourse, for iman is the very foundation of Islam. Therefore, before proceeding on with the piecemeal analysis of the concerned passage, let us discuss a few basic points pertaining to the subject of iman.
Some Basic
Points Regarding Faith
Faith is
essentially to believe in certain metaphysical, unseen realities. It lends
itself to two levels: verbal attestation and heartfelt conviction. The first
level of faith – legal faith or iman al-fiqhi – is simply the verbal affirmation
in the unity of God, the messengership of Muhammad (SAW), the Hereafter, the
Hellfire, theParadise, the Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, the Prophets, the
Angels, the Divine Books, theRevelation, etcetera. Anyone who simply professes
to believe in these realities is considered a Muslim.The vast majority of
Muslims today have inherited this type of faith from their parents or the
surrounding environment.
The second
level of faith – true faith or iman al-haqeeqi – deals with the heartfelt
conviction. This is thelevel of faith at which the believer consciously
asserts and affirms his belief, beyond any shadow of doubt,in the
aforementioned metaphysical realities. It is this type of faith which is
actually required of a believer for it becomes the basis on which he will be
judged in the Hereafter. Thus, it is this true faith which is the subject of
the passage under discussion.
A point to
be noted here is that inherited faith, though of an unconscious nature, will
also incur a type of conviction in a person through the constant observance of
Islamic practices and rituals. For just as man’sinner being has an effect on
his outer personality, so his conduct and actions affect his inner
being.However, this type of conviction, devoid of an intellectual dimension as
it is, is not the subject of this passage. This passage deals with the faith
which is laboriously and consciously attained through reflection and
contemplation. In these ayahs, people of such faith are termed ulul albaab –
people of intellect, deep discernment and contemplation.
The Stages
of Intellectual Maturity
process of contemplation and reflection leads the ulul albaab through various
stages of intellectual maturity. The first of these stages is the gnosis of
Allah (SWT) acquired through constant examination and thoughtful observation of
natural phenomena present in the external universe.
The second stage of this intellectual journey is that of establishing a close relationship with Allah (SWT) and continued reflection upon the signs present in the universe. This confers upon the ulul albaab and awareness of the reality of an afterlife. Hence, the gnosis of Allah (SWT) and recompense of deeds, in consequence of which an awareness of an afterlife, are arrived at via their own personal analysis,observation, reasoning and contemplation. The third stage of this evolutionary thought process is that of a passionate response to the call of a messenger sent by Allah (SWT); for the call of a messenger is nothing more than the reassertion of truths already reverberating in their hearts.
The second stage of this intellectual journey is that of establishing a close relationship with Allah (SWT) and continued reflection upon the signs present in the universe. This confers upon the ulul albaab and awareness of the reality of an afterlife. Hence, the gnosis of Allah (SWT) and recompense of deeds, in consequence of which an awareness of an afterlife, are arrived at via their own personal analysis,observation, reasoning and contemplation. The third stage of this evolutionary thought process is that of a passionate response to the call of a messenger sent by Allah (SWT); for the call of a messenger is nothing more than the reassertion of truths already reverberating in their hearts.
The last
ayah (195) of this passage portrays the personality traits of the ulul albaab:
such people are not cowardly or weak; they stand up for the Truths that they
have come to believe in and put everything at stake for upholding these Truths.
They are always ready to spend their wealth, part with their families and, in
the final analysis, lay down their lives for the truths they have come to
believe in.
Who are the Ulul Albaab?
passage we are trying to explain deals with the subject matter of iman in
reference to a particular type of human individuals viz, the ulul albaab.
Naturally, the question arises as to what is meantby ulul albaab? In Arabic,
albaab is the plural of lubb which means “core”, “essence”, and “innermost”.
This means that the real essence of something is called its lubb. The lubb of
the human being is consciousness, intellect, and intelligence. For this reason
the philosophers have defined man as an“intelligent and rational being”
(Haiwan-e-aqil), pointing to the fact that the essence of man is his intellect
and reasoning capacity. Ulul albaab, therefore, are the people of deep
reflection and contemplation who follow their intellect and not their vain
desires or the carnal promptings of their baser self.
A golden
rule of Qur’anic comprehension is that one part of the Qur’an is supported or
explained by other parts. Inspecting the Qur’an, we find a similar discourse in
ayah 164 of surah Al-Baqarah:
“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds and the clouds which they trail like their slavesbetween the sky and the earth; (here) indeed are signs for a people that are wise (qaumun ya`qiloon).” [al-Qur’an 2:164]
“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds and the clouds which they trail like their slavesbetween the sky and the earth; (here) indeed are signs for a people that are wise (qaumun ya`qiloon).” [al-Qur’an 2:164]
Note that
the above ayah ends with the term “qaumun ya`qiloon” (the people of
intelligence), whereas thepassage of surah Al-e-`Imran under discussion used
the term ulul albaab. Consequently, qaumunya`qiloon and ulul albab are one and
the same; that is, they are the people of intellect, deep thought andreasoning
whose vision of reality has not been beclouded by prejudices and pursuit of
purely carnal desires.
One should
keep in mind that the vast majority of mankind does not comprise of people who
utilize their intellect and reasoning faculty. It would not be too far fetched
to term such people as “two legged animals”. They follow their society’s
conventional trends and simply mimic the behavior of those around them. They
swim in the direction of the social current and tide of their time and only
change their direction as the current changes. They never question as to who
they are, where have they come from or where they are going?
to such a character, there always exists, in each society, a minority group who
is never satisfied with the practices and beliefs prevalent in their society.
They demand rational arguments and logical proofs for the validity of all
beliefs and practices. They want to discover for themselves the realities of
life via their own intellect and reasoning.
This group comprises a society’s intelligentsia (the intellectualelite or the brain trust). These are the people whom the Qur’an calls qaumun ya`qiloon or ulul albaab.When these people study the universal, natural phenomena, they find them laden with the signs of theCreator-Lord (SWT) – His Creativity, Wisdom and Power. Hence, the universal, natural phenomena leadthem to the gnosis of Allah (SWT).
This group comprises a society’s intelligentsia (the intellectualelite or the brain trust). These are the people whom the Qur’an calls qaumun ya`qiloon or ulul albaab.When these people study the universal, natural phenomena, they find them laden with the signs of theCreator-Lord (SWT) – His Creativity, Wisdom and Power. Hence, the universal, natural phenomena leadthem to the gnosis of Allah (SWT).
Meaning of “ayah”
Both quoted passages (of Al-Baqarah and Al-e-`Imran) use the word “ayaat”. What exactly ismeant by this term? ayaat is plural of ayah which literally means: “sign”, “signpost”, and “memento.” Anayah then is something that reminds you of something else. For example, a handkerchief of an old friend,whom you have forgotten, may serve as a memento to remind you of him. This implies that the memory of the friend had always been in your subconscious mind; the memento simply helped to activate it and bringit to the plain of your consciousness. In this way, the objective of an ayah is thus identified – to remind oneof a forgotten truth or reality. From the Qur’anic perspective, the two universes – the outer universe ofnature and the inner universe of the self – are replete with the signs (ayaat) that serve as mementos andreminders of the Creator (SWT). Qur’an distinctly points to this reality:
shall We show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it
becomes clear to themthat this Qur’an is indeed the truth.” [al-Qur’an 41:53]
creativity in the universe should remind the thoughtful person of the Creator
who created the universe.The artistry of the universe should point to the
Artist who painted the universe. The unity of laws andregulations working in
all constituents of the universe, both at microcosmic and macrocosmic
levels,should indicate the Ultimate Unity responsible for the presence of such
laws. The presence of moral lawwithin should direct one’s attention towards the
moral being who embedded these laws deep within thehuman psyche. In this manner,
everything in the universe is an ayah (sign) of the Creator’s existence(SWT).
Qur’anic Mode of Argument
The Qur’an
does not employ the method of logical reasoning or rational arguments to prove
theexistence of Allah (SWT). All the rational arguments put forth to prove the
existence of God have beenrejected by philosophers. This is because logical
arguments making a case for the existence of God arenegated by other, equally
sound, logical arguments. Contrary to this approach, the Qur’an asserts that
thecognition of Allah (SWT) is inherently present in the inner denizen of human
psyche. Henceforth, when areflective observer, a person of sound intellect
whose human nature has not been perverted, studies theuniversal phenomena
realizes that the grand design of the universe is too coherent, too integrated,
tooorganized and too purposeful to be the work of blind, material and
accidental forces. Instead, there is anintelligent, creative, artistic, and
Powerful Being who brought the universe into existence with a definitepurpose
in mind. Such inquiries into the universe activate, in a person, the inherent,
dormant cognition ofAllah (SWT), which leaps from the depths of his
sub-conscious mind and illumines the plain of hisconsciousness. The arousal of
such an idea dawns upon the person the forgotten truth that the powerfuland
creative force working behind the universe could be none other than Allah (SWT)
Himself. This is thechain of arguments that the Qur’an employs to establish the
existence of Allah (SWT) on an intellectualplain. As is clear, the Qur’an
does not base its argument for Divine existence on strictly
demonstrativelogical reasoning. Rather it is based on self-evident truths
appreciated by thoughtful minds and primordialhuman nature.
Outcome of
Contemplation: Gnosis of Allah (SWT)
A vital
issue in the field of theology is: how do we come to know God? What are the
means viawhich we can gain recognition of and knowledge about God? The Islamic
view on this issue is that there isonly one way to gain knowledge about Allah
(SWT) and that is via pondering over His attributes. Thisraises another
question: how do we come to realize the attributes of Allah (SWT)? The passage
of surah Al-e-`Imran under discussion points to the answer.
investigation of the universal phenomena reveals a few basic attributes of
Allah (SWT) and reflectionupon these attributes leads one on the path of
knowledge about Him (SWT). The investigator of universalphenomena first of all
realizes that the Creator of the universe is an All-Powerful Being who has
controland power over everything. His Power is Absolute and there is nothing
which falls outside His Jurisdiction.Secondly, the Creator must also be
All-Knowing for the one who designed and created the universe musthave complete
and total knowledge of all that occurs throughout the expanse of the universe;
that is, HisKnowledge must be Absolute. The Qur’an points to this reality in
the following words:
“Should He
not know, He who created? And He is the One who is subtle (understands the
finest mysteriesand) is well-acquainted (with them).” [al-Qur’an 67:14]
even a cursory glance upon the universe unfolds Allah’s (SWT) attribute of
Wisdom. For all thathas been created seems to have a definite purpose behind
it. Hence, the Creator of this universe must bean All-Wise Creator whose Wisdom
is manifested in all the workings of the universe.
Once the
ulul albaab grasp Allah’s (SWT) basic attributes, these become the basis of
furthercontemplation into the finer mysteries of the universe. Charged with the
conscious cognition of Allah(SWT), they now constantly remember their Lord
(SWT) and continuously praise Him at all times andcontinue the quest to quench
their thirst for further comprehension:
“Men who
celebrate the praises of Allah standing sitting and lying down on their sides
and contemplate the(wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth (with the
thought): “Our Lord! Not for naught have Youcreated (all) this! Glory to You!
Give us salvation from the penalty of the fire.” [al-Qur’an 3:191]
Relation and Correlation between Remembrance and Contemplation
passage quoted above mentions remembrance and contemplation in close proximity.
It is necessary to understand the relationship between these two processes. The
term, in Arabic, for the remembrance of Allah (SWT) is zikr and the term for
contemplation is fikr. It is apparent from the ayah thatthese two processes
should be carried on hand in hand, in parallel.
The functioning relationship of the two processes is similar to the two wheels of an automobile; to move forward, both wheels must move forward together and with the same velocity. It is a sad and unfortunate fact of our history that these two processes have been separated, and consequently, estranged from each other. The separation and estrangement resulted in the unfortunate fact that each process took on a distinct identity, far apart from the prescribed practices of the Prophet (SAW) and his companions (RAA): one group concerns itself only with zikr and pays no heed to the dimension of fikr. While the group involved in fikr is bereft of zikr. This is why the envisioned results have not been achieved. In reality, the correlation between the two is that zikr provides the impetus and the motivation for fikr.
The functioning relationship of the two processes is similar to the two wheels of an automobile; to move forward, both wheels must move forward together and with the same velocity. It is a sad and unfortunate fact of our history that these two processes have been separated, and consequently, estranged from each other. The separation and estrangement resulted in the unfortunate fact that each process took on a distinct identity, far apart from the prescribed practices of the Prophet (SAW) and his companions (RAA): one group concerns itself only with zikr and pays no heed to the dimension of fikr. While the group involved in fikr is bereft of zikr. This is why the envisioned results have not been achieved. In reality, the correlation between the two is that zikr provides the impetus and the motivation for fikr.
Note that
zikr should not be taken in its conventional, limited understanding as the
verbal chantingof some prescribed words. Rather, it should be taken in its
widest sense. zikr embodies verbalremembrance and silent contemplation of Allah
(SWT), His Omnipresence, His Omnipotence, and soforth. The true implication of
zikr is to keep the remembrance of Allah (SWT) alive in one’s heart in
allplaces and at all times, whether through contemplation, verbal chanting or
any other act which remindsone of his Lord (SWT).
Necessary Consequence of Intellectual Insight and Primordial Human Nature:
Recompense of Deeds
convergence of parallel processes of zikr and fikr results in the awareness of
an afterlife,mentioned next in the passage in the following words:
Lord! You have not created this (universe) in vain! Glory to You! Give us
salvation from the penaltyof the fire.” [al-Qur’an 3:191]
thoughtful reader will notice that there is a lapse in the logical chain of
arguments from zikr and fikr tothe seeking of refuge from Hellfire. For how do
the zikr of Allah (SWT) and the contemplation over theuniverse yield the
conception of an afterlife and Hellfire? The argument goes as follows: the
contemplationover the universe reveals the truth that everything in the
universe, macroscopic and microscopic, has apurpose. Therefore the question
naturally arises: how is it possible that the universe as whole and its
mostfantastic, superb and highest evolved life-form – the human being – may
have been created in vain,without a purpose. And if the human being has a purpose
in this life then his deeds must be accounted for.For according to a Persian
proverb – “planting of wheat should yield wheat and barley that of barley” –
the plantation of good deeds should be harvested as reward and the plantation of
evil deeds should beharvested as punishment. The Qur’an points to these
arguments in its own mode of expression:
“Nor can
Goodness and Evil be equal”.[al-Qur’an 41:34]
“Shall We
then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin? What is the matter with
you? How foolishlydo you judge!” [al-Qur’an 68:35-36]
Reality on
ground is, however, quite to the contrary. For common observation shows that
the evildoers live a grand life and are often saluted and honored in the world,
whereas the righteous and pious are oftenscorned and looked down upon with
contempt. The result of this observation points to the fact that thereshould
then be another life where good should be rewarded as such and evil should be
punished as such.For if good is good and evil is evil and these values are
objective and absolute, and whereas their result isnot being produced in this
world then this proves that this world is incomplete in relation to ethical
conductand its desired outcome. This necessitates the existence of another
world where full justice will be metedout to everyone in accordance with his or
her deeds.
to Shaikh al-Hind, Mahmood Hassan (RA), ayahs 190-192 of surah Al-e-`Imran
are concerned with “iman-e-`aqli” (intellectual faith) – the process of
attaining faith in Allah (SWT) and and awareness of the Hereafter via the
intellectual reasoning as outlined in the previous section. The subject ofnext
three ayahs (193-195) is labeled as “iman-e-sam`ee” (audition based faith) by
Shaikh al-Hind. That is,when the ulul albaab, having successfully traversed the
process of iman-e-`aqli, hear the call of a prophet,they instantly answer his
call. This is so because the call of the prophet is based on truths and
realities that ulul albaab have already grasped intuitively by their intellects.
Hence, the call of the prophet seems to them as nothing more than the echoes of
truths reverberating in their own hearts. Upon accepting the call of a prophet,
their emotions and feelings are spontaneously articulated in the form of a
“Our Lord! We have heard the call of one calling (us) to faith `Believe in the Lord’ and we have believed.Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, blot out from us our iniquities and take to Yourself our souls in the companyof the righteous. Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your prophets and save us fromshame on the Day of Judgment: for You never break Your promise.” [al-Qur’an 3:193-194]
We should
pause at this juncture to reflect upon the significance of du’a (supplication)
in Islam.According to two sayings of the Prophet (SAW): du’a is the essence of
`ibadah (worship); and du’a is itself(a form of) `ibadah. This is due to the
fact that du’a is the link between the Lord (SWT) and His slaves bywhich the
slaves communicate to their Lord (SWT), call upon Him and converse with Him
(SWT). Inaddition, du’a is a manifestation of faith for it proves that the
believer recognizes the Lord (SWT) asAll-Hearing and All-Seeing, that He (SWT)
alone can answer his call for He (SWT) is All-Powerful and hasAbsolute
Authority over all matters.
of the Faith of True Believers
Within the
Qur’anic discourse, the people whose faith in Islam is the result of
intellectual and audition based faiths are termed siddiqeen (singular siddeeq).
The major characteristic of siddiqeen, whichdistinguishes them from other
believers, is that they leap forward to accept a prophet’s call without a
moment’s hesitation. They are likened to the believer who, after performing
wudu` (ritual purity),impatiently waits for the prayer-call and the moment the
call is sounded scurries to the masjid. Among thesiddiqeen, the
personality of Abu Bakr (RAA) is prominent about whom the Prophet (SAW)
said:whosoever I invited to Islam took some time to accept it except Abu Bakr
(RAA), who did not hesitate evenfor a moment. It is for this reason that Abu
Bakr (RAA) is called “al-siddeeq al-akbar” (The Greatest siddeeq i.e.
We must
ponder why this was so? It was because Abu Bakr (RAA) had no difficulty in
accepting theProphet’s (SAW) call for the call was nothing more than a
reverberation of Abu Bakr’s (RAA) own thoughtsand beliefs that he had come to
accept having traversed the process of iman-e-`aqli. Abu Bakr (RAA) wasnot the
lone case however. In that land of vulgar paganism and polytheism, a land sunk
deep in thedarkness of ignorance and backwardness, there were individuals whose
hearts were illumined with thelight of tauheed (Unity of God) and whose inner
nature was pure and pristine. Among them, as statedabove, was Abu Bakr (RAA)
who had never associated gods with Allah (SWT); just as the Prophet (SAW),
Abu Bakr (RAA) was also a follower of tauheed from day one. Same was the case with Uthman bin `Affan(RAA) and Sa`eed bin Zaid (RAA), both of whom were among the ten companions given the glad-tidingsof Paradise in their lifetime. In this very land lived the father of Sa`eed bin Zaid (RAA), named Zaid bin‘Amr bin Nufail – who died before the revelation descended upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – aboutwhom it is known that he used to supplicate while clinging to the drapes of Ka’bah: “My Lord! I want toworship You alone. I proclaim my disassociation with all these false-gods that the people of Makkah worship.
I want to worship none except You, but do not know how!” In this very land once roamed a manby the name of Waraqah bin Naufil who renounced paganism and sought to discover the True Reality oflife. His search took him to Syria where he learned the Hebrew language and converted to Christianity. At the time when the first revelation descended upon the Prophet (SAW), his (SAW) wife Khadijah (RAA)took the Prophet (SAW) to Waraqah. Waraqah confirmed that the man who appeared to the Prophet(SAW) was the same angel who had descended upon Musa (AS) and Isa (AS). He further informed the Prophet (SAW) that he wished to live to see the day when the people of Makkah would force him (SAW)out of the city so that he can help him (SAW). However, he died soon thereafter. In summation, thesiddiqeen are characterized by sound intellect and pristine pure nature; people whose iman is the result ofboth iman-e-a`qli and iman-e-sam`ee. The Qur’an mentions them in another place:
Abu Bakr (RAA) was also a follower of tauheed from day one. Same was the case with Uthman bin `Affan(RAA) and Sa`eed bin Zaid (RAA), both of whom were among the ten companions given the glad-tidingsof Paradise in their lifetime. In this very land lived the father of Sa`eed bin Zaid (RAA), named Zaid bin‘Amr bin Nufail – who died before the revelation descended upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – aboutwhom it is known that he used to supplicate while clinging to the drapes of Ka’bah: “My Lord! I want toworship You alone. I proclaim my disassociation with all these false-gods that the people of Makkah worship.
I want to worship none except You, but do not know how!” In this very land once roamed a manby the name of Waraqah bin Naufil who renounced paganism and sought to discover the True Reality oflife. His search took him to Syria where he learned the Hebrew language and converted to Christianity. At the time when the first revelation descended upon the Prophet (SAW), his (SAW) wife Khadijah (RAA)took the Prophet (SAW) to Waraqah. Waraqah confirmed that the man who appeared to the Prophet(SAW) was the same angel who had descended upon Musa (AS) and Isa (AS). He further informed the Prophet (SAW) that he wished to live to see the day when the people of Makkah would force him (SAW)out of the city so that he can help him (SAW). However, he died soon thereafter. In summation, thesiddiqeen are characterized by sound intellect and pristine pure nature; people whose iman is the result ofboth iman-e-a`qli and iman-e-sam`ee. The Qur’an mentions them in another place:
“And when
they listen to the revelation received by the prophet you will see their eyes
overflowing with tears for they recognize the truth: they pray: ‘Our Lord! We
believe! Write us down among the witnesses.’”[al-Qur’an 5:83]
especial regard for the siddiqeen by Allah (SWT) is evident from the fact that
their supplication (ayahs 192-194) mentioned above is promptly responded to by
their Lord (SWT):
“And their
Lord has accepted of them and answered them (their prayers): ‘Never will I
suffer to be lost the work of any of you be he male or female: You are members
one of another (equal to one another).”[al-Qur’an 3:195]
Spiritual Equality of Men and Women
Ayah quoted above states the view of Islam in relation to the equality of men and women. TheAyah refers to the fact that men and women enjoy an equal status in the domains of spirituality, morality and seeking of religious stature. The apparent differences in disposition and bodily makeup of the two genders is only for sociological reasons. Whereas, in reality, when it comes to virtuous deeds, charitable works, and working for the cause of Islam, there is absolutely no difference in the status of two genders.The field is wide open for both genders to outdo each other in these arenas. No efforts of anyone shall be lost, whether male or female. This is evident from the fact that due to their spirituality, morality and purity,many great and exalted women – for example, Maryam (RAA), Khadijah (RAA), `Aisha (RAA) and Fatimah(RAA) – will outdo, surpass and be elevated much higher above the ranks of a great number of men inthe Hereafter.
A Glimpse
of Siddiqeen’s Character
The remaining Ayahs of the passage portray the personality traits of the siddiqeen:
who have left their homes or been driven out or suffered harm in My cause and
killed and were killed. Surely I will blot out from them their iniquities and
admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; a reward from the presence
of Allah and with Him is the best of rewards.” [al-Qur’an 3:195]
The above
Ayah mentions hijrah which is usually understood in a limited sense of
migration. However, it may be taken here in its widest sense. The literal
meaning of hijrah is: “to part”, “to leave”, and “toabandon”. This abandoning
admits of various stages and levels during the course of a person’s life. The
Prophet (SAW) was questioned: “Which hijrah is the greatest?” To this he (SAW)
replied, “That you abandon all that is disliked by your Lord”. This defines the
first stage of hijrah:,that of abandoning all haram (unlawful) practices. The
final stage is the one mentioned in the passage under discussion: to leave
one’shomeland where it becomes impossible to adhere to one’s religion and
migrate elsewhere for the sake of Islam. Hence, siddiqeen are people who give
up all actions disliked by their Lord (SWT); they even part from their families
if they insist on disobeying Allah (SWT) and, in the final analysis, if it is
so required, they leave their homelands and migrate to another place to uphold
their faith and to act on Islamic injunctions in their totality.
The next
portion of the Ayah refers to those who were “driven out.” One may object to
thi sassertion and instead say that the Makkans did not ask the Muslims to
leave Makkah. In fact they wanted to keep them there. However, the fact of
matter was that the persecution meted out to the Muslims had become so severe
that it became impossible for them to stay in Makkah. Hence, the Muslims were
forcedto leave their houses in Makkah and migrate elsewhere to freely practice
their faith in peace and security. The severity and extent of the persecution
dished out to Muslims is mentioned in the next portion as“suffered harm in My
cause”. The physical torture of Bilal (RAA) and Khabbaab (RAA) and the murders
of Sumiyyah (RAA) and Yasir (RAA) are only few examples of oppression and
tyranny suffered by the Muslims at the hands of the pagan Makkans. One may ask:
what was the crime of these individuals? It was nothing more than that they
renounced the pagan ideology and practices of their godless society and
proclaimed their belief in the Unity of God (SWT) and divine messenger-ship of
Muhammad (SAW).
Thus far
the conditions mentioned were those of Makkan life. Now the Ayah mentions the
struggle experienced in the life of Madinah as: “killed and were killed.” In
Makkah, the Muslims were commandedto refrain from retaliation, however, this restriction
was lifted in Madinah and they took to the battle field. Inthis endeavor they
fought, killed, and were killed themselves. The martyrdom on the battle field
for thesake of Truth, justice and peace is the highest good, the epitome of
virtuous conduct in Islam. Hence, the siddiqeen are not just the people of
spiritual pursuits alone; rather, they fully partake of the struggles and
hardships of life, without seeking escape to jungles and mountains. They are so
dynamic and full of religious conviction that they do not hesitate to move
forward in the battlefield and lay down their lives forthe cause of their
faith. For this service and loyalty, they are promised by their Lord (SWT):
“Surely I will blot out from them their iniquities”; that is, all mistakes and sins (major and minor) committed by them will be washed away in return for their struggle for Islam and hardships suffered in this cause. More than this,they will be admitted “into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; a special reward from Allah”.
The mentionof “special reward from Allah” is of particular importance. These rewards shall be bestowed upon themfrom special treasures of Allah (SWT) possessed only by Him. The final words of the passage, “with Him isthe best of rewards”, should be heeded. Our whole life is defined by struggles and hardships. We struggle,toil and labor for the sake of our children, our careers, for other worldly benefits, but none of these objectsof fancy provide us any certainty of due payback. Often all such worldly efforts fail and in the end we areleft with nothing but sorrow and loss. However, every deed, every investment and every moment spent forthe sake of Allah (SWT), for His cause, for His deen is saved and earns blissful eternal life for the rewardsof such endeavors are everlasting. Consequently, only Allah (SWT) has the Power and the Authority tofully recompense all our deeds in due proportion.
“Surely I will blot out from them their iniquities”; that is, all mistakes and sins (major and minor) committed by them will be washed away in return for their struggle for Islam and hardships suffered in this cause. More than this,they will be admitted “into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; a special reward from Allah”.
The mentionof “special reward from Allah” is of particular importance. These rewards shall be bestowed upon themfrom special treasures of Allah (SWT) possessed only by Him. The final words of the passage, “with Him isthe best of rewards”, should be heeded. Our whole life is defined by struggles and hardships. We struggle,toil and labor for the sake of our children, our careers, for other worldly benefits, but none of these objectsof fancy provide us any certainty of due payback. Often all such worldly efforts fail and in the end we areleft with nothing but sorrow and loss. However, every deed, every investment and every moment spent forthe sake of Allah (SWT), for His cause, for His deen is saved and earns blissful eternal life for the rewardsof such endeavors are everlasting. Consequently, only Allah (SWT) has the Power and the Authority tofully recompense all our deeds in due proportion.