What has happened to your eyes ?
the more you tell them to stop,the more they continue flowing.
What is the matter with your heart ?
the more you tell it to come to its senses,
the more it is getting distracted.
Does the lover think that his love can be concealed.
While his eyes are shedding tears and his heart is glowing.
'Mercy for all creatures',He is the guide of our caravan.
what a plight is this,if his thoughts are away,mind weeps to have a glance
but when i immersed with his thoughts,it weeps in thought of departure
"Oh singing nightingale! Sing your heart out
Let your soul take a flight like a happy phoenix
There is no thought or care for loss or gain,
Taste the cherries from which you like to pick
Flap and glide your wings to ascend new joyous heights
Descend once sailed across the boundaries beneath this sky
But we are the prisoner of time though the door is wide open"
“Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me
Don't claim them but feel the artistry and be silent.
Silence is the language of God, all else is its poor translation
Love rests on no foundation like an ocean, with no beginning or end.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and
find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
True lover is not a prisoner of this world but he is the king of kings”
"Whatever pearl you seek,
Look for the pearl within the pearl!
The glowing jewel says,
"Don't be fooled by my beauty
the light of my face
comes from the candle of thy spirit"
This place is an illusion of master illusionist
There is neither sky nor stars where you seen
Only a sleeper considers his dreams are real
Body of earth, don't talk of earth
Like one drunkard takes care of another
The Creator has given you inner sight
I regard not the outside and the words,
I regard the inside and the state of the heart.
Reason, leave now! You'll not find wisdom here!
There are no more signs of it, it itself becomes sign
He said, "Who is at my door?"
I said, "Your humble servant."
He said, "What do you seek?"
I said, "To have you as my constant friend."
He said, "What do you want from me?"
I said, "Your abundant grace."
He said, "Who was your companion on the journey?
I said, "The thought of you, 0 King."
Now it is time for silence.
If I told you about His true essence
You would fly from your self and be gone,
and neither door nor roof could hold you back!
WHO rears the seed in the darkness of the ground?
Who lifts the cloud up from the ocean wave?
Who drew here from the west the fruitful wind?
Who made this soil, or who that light of the sun?
Who filled with pearls of grain the tasseled wheat?
Who taught the months by instinct to revolve?
Landlord! this earth is not thine, is not thine,
Nor yet thy fathers' ; no, not thine, nor mine.
-Allama muhd Iqbal-
all the prophets accept agony without pondering much
just like the water has never feared the fire.
Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief
falls into emptiness with a thousand new disguises
Keep your heart noble, for this most noble love
Although his love brings misfortunes in this world
Die in Love if you want to remain alive

The power of humility is not confined within these bounds
Just light your lantern all from 'One live flame'
In a night full of suffering and darkness
Be a candle spreading light till dawn
Like the sun and the stars,In the dance of love
Burn yourself for the sake of lighten others life
Oh Lord!Gift me thy love, for that take away what ye gave
this is the only profit trade from each life if ye give
Prayer is the nourisher of hearts and rejuvenator of souls
Though thou needs no praise ,for thou are above all praise;
Thou needs no petition,for thou unknown is nothing;
The prayer is for our own spiritual consolation of thy grace.
The wailing of broken heart is the doorway to his grace
pain and sorrows are the treasures of God on this world
The drops that come from the burning hearts!
Didn't I tell you not to enter to that palace of carelessness
It is me, who is your intimate friend
It is me, who is your self confess
Didn't I tell you not to be satisfied with the veil of this world?
it is me, the master illusionist,
It is me,who is the spring of eternal life.
Didn't I tell you not to fall in this trap like a blind bird?
I am your wings, I am the strength of your wings,
I am the wind keeping you in flight.
It is me,who is the life in your breath.
" No bread ever became corn again
No ripened grape ever became sour fruit.
Change is the only thing inevitable and keep move
But uphold true identity is the attribute of the strong
Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse.
The greatest victory is to conquer yourself
Only dead salmon swim with the flow of water
wheat grain becomes wheat plant even if
it is sown together with lakhs of barley grains"
I Said :"O Lord Enlight me with thy miracles !"
He Said :"All of you are hungry except those who are fed by me.
All of you are naked except those who are dressed by me.
All of you are blind except those who are enlightened by me.
sub atomic to celestial particles are according to my command !
the one who nurture seed from muddy to fragrant flora !
Our heart is a pen in your hand.
It is all up to you to write us happy or sad.
All our feelings have the color you desire to paint.
From the beginning to the end,no one but you.
The most graceful, make our future better than the past!
I Said:why life is getting perplexed when i closer to you?
He Said:"Noah was mocked by his ark !
Abraham was tested with Nimrod's fire !
Moses was in dilemma over sea and army !
Jonah was thrown by sailors into deep ocean !
Joseph was humiliated and imprisoned for years !
Yet they devoted ,So i strengthened their wings"
Eagle fly above the clouds to escape from the rain,
whereas the other birds run for shelter when it's raining !!
He said:"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me.'
we said:"O Lord, when did we see you in such a state" ?
He said:"When ever you served the needy, you done it for me"
Paradise is surrounded by what we dislike;
the fires are surrounded by what we desire.
Our worldly goods rob us of our heavenly goods,
O Guide ,remind us through out this desert journey ,
'the amount of water reserved is the life preserved'!
Even in midst of burning desert,there could be some Oasis.
But Without Thy grace there is naught but perplexity.
"You are a ruby encased in granite
How long will you deceive Us with this outer show?
O friend! We can see the truth in your eyes!
Come, come, whoever you are,
Come even though you have
broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair"
We are the birds of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when we let
ourself be chained and caged.
O Lord, we need more grace than we thought,
As our thoughts are bound with measures
while you know to give without measures!
We all are lions, but lions on a flag:
because of the wind they are rushing onward
Their onward rush is visible, and the wind is unseen:
our whole existence is from thy bringing into being.
An uplifting of the heart surpassing all other upliftings;
I cannot describe it ; if you can, say on!"
We are the as the earth and you are as the the sky
and From Thy grace grows my barley and wheat.
We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee;
we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee.
We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat:
our victory and defeat is from thee,
O thou whose qualities are Incomparable!
" If Thou showest not the way, our life is lost;
A life living without Thee esteem as dead!
If Thou findest fault with Thy slaves,
Verily it is right in Thee, O Blessed One!
Thine is the dominion and the glory and the wealth!
For Thou alone are exempt from defect " !
Don't expect to find any more in me than what you give.
I've shown you that all I have is only what you gave!
The light that lights the inner eye is from the light of the heart.
But the light that lights the heart is the light of God,
Which is distinct from the light of reason and sense.
O Lord, Nothing could remain hidden under thy Light.
And all the suns of heaven will vanish in thy light.
Listen to the story told by the reed, of being separated.
"Since I was cut from the reedbed, I have made this weeping .
Anyone apart from someone he loves, understands what I say.
Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back,
At any cheerful gathering I am there with this grieving heart".
If someone doesn't want to hear the song of this reed flute,
it's best to leave me alone ,as this is the story of mine .
"He speaks to the rose's ear, and causes it to bloom;
He speaks to the tulip, and makes it blossom.
He speaks a spell to body, and it becomes soul;
He speaks to the sun, and it becomes a fount of light.
He speaks to the to the cloud, it pours rain-water
Thou art like the water, and we like the millstone.
So the revolution of the millstone, so violent,
Testifies to the existence of a stream of water"
"By Love bitter things become sweet;
without love the garden becomes desolate;
All the sick hope to be cured, but by this sick
its sufferer never desires to recover from it.
The agony of lovers burns with the fire of passion.
Only from the heart, can touch the sky.
Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation"
Even a single organic cell is enough to reveal the arms of a Cherisher
Even a single atom is enough to reveal the arms of a Omniscient
Even a single drop of water is enough to reveal the arms of a Sustainer
Even a single flying dust is enough to reveal the arms of a Guardian
Even a single star is enough to reveal the arms of a Protector
I feel pity on those who are endowed sight,yet they cannot see !
" Don't go anywhere without me.
There's nothing worse than to walk out
along the street without you.
I didn't come here of my own accord,
and I can't leave that way.
Whoever brought me here will have
to take me home.
You're the road, and the knower of roads "
I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e'er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, 'To Him we shall return.'
Stranger: why did you ascend the throne?
King: I'm the most powerful person in my kingdom.
Stranger: No. It belongs to those who have the lowest rank among people.
King: I'm the cleverest among my people.
Stranger: No, Only ridiculous people accept this sceptre.
King: I'm the honest among my people.
Stranger: No, this diadem only belongs those who are the most disgraced
King: I'm the noble among my people.
Stranger: No, This crown suits only to the slave among people.
King: Then how can I deserve my realm, which will not be destroyed?
Stranger : forever enduring dominion of earth and heaven belongs to our emperor !
"Wealth has no permanence: it comes in the morning,
and at night it is scattered to the winds.
for many become fools of money and horses.
Physical beauty too has no importance,
for a rosy face is made pale by the scratch of a single thorn.
Noble birth also is of small account,
Many a nobleman's son has disgraced his father by his wicked deeds.
take warning from the example of Iblis,
Lucifer had knowledge, but since his love was not pure,
he saw in Adam nothing but a figure of clay"
"Many are there who flee from one danger to a worse;
Many flee from a snake and meet a dragon.
Man plans a stratagem, and thereby snares himself;
What he takes for life turns out, to be destruction.
He shuts the door after his foe is in the house.
The faith of a man of God reflects the Will of God;
All else in this world is a mirage, a myth, a whim."
The morning breeze has whispered to me a secret,
hat those who know their Selfhood, are equal to kings.
Selfhood is the essence of thy life and honor,
Thou shalt rule with it, but without it be in disgrace.
There is no worse sickness for the soul,
O you who are proud, than this pretense of perfection
Swell not thy cheek for pride at men,
nor walk in insolence through the earth;
Thou are so delicate to predict thy next breath;
Be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice !
"How long can I lament with this depressed heart and soul ?
how long can I remain a sad autumn ever since my grief has shed my leaves
how long like a prisoner of grief can I beg for mercy ?
how long can i suffer the pain of hatred from my friends
by behaving like an enemy when i like them most ?
I'm not a piece of rock or steel but hearing my story
even water will become as tense as a stone.
I believe in love, I swear by love ,believe me by my love"
"Oh singing nightingale!
Sing your heart out
For the moaning of desire.
It can pierce even the heart of stone ,
unblock the Stream of Grace flows from source
Without which how could at every morning
the world be lighted up?
By your exaltation we get all
that we undeserved!

Worldly senses are the ladder of earth,
Spiritual senses are the ladder of heaven.
The health of the former arises from tending the body,
That of the latter from mortifying the flesh.
One, who runs behind butterfly, will keep his race
but it rests on those who sit calm,
such is the comparison of former and latter.
As salt resolved in the ocean, I was swallowed in God's sea,
For every drop of the ocean, Has the ocean's depth.
hence even single drop of water is spritually potent!
Gravity is just enough to hold this encircling Ocean in this vast space.
My heart is pulsing with passion like the waves on an ocean
My outer calmness is the reflection of inner awareness.
Free my boat from the whirlpool's grip ,And make it move forward,
Reveal to me the secrets of life,For thou knowest them all;
He said, "What business do you have?"
I said, "To greet you, 0 Lord."
He said, "How long will you journey on?"
I said, "Until you stop me."
He said, "How long will you boil in the fire?"
I said, "Until I am pure.
"This is my oath of love.
For the sake of love
I gave up wealth and position."
He said, "You have pleaded your case
but you have no witness."
I said, "My tears are my witness;
the pallor of my face is my proof.'
i longed for no more questions like,
"Your witness has no credibility;
your eyes are too wet to see."
Now it is time for silence.
If I told you about His true essence
You would fly from your self and be gone,
and neither door nor roof could hold you back!
- Rumi -
The opposite of light shows what is light,
To wit, to manifest happiness by its opposites.
Hidden things are manifested by their opposites;
so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart,
If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?
My dear heart, never think you are better than others.
Listen to their sorrows with compassion.
If you want peace, don't harbor bad thoughts,
do not gossip and do not teach what you do not know
"Thou gave these wings and sky to fly
Thou gave nest and rest upon safe trunk
Thou gave thirst and tasty drinks
Thou gave peace and relations
But never banish from thy neighborhood
You may melt these feathers
And take away these fortunes
Even burn me for the sake of live thy thoughts
With thy thoughts only I can remain alive"
'Mind'-the greatest of all cosmic wonders
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
Burn with love only makes ye brighter.
The only way to retain love is to give it away.
Give with pleasure, your self measure
and know the power hidden in serving
The greatest victor conquer hearts without any battle.
Wherever you are, whatever your condition is,
Always try to be a lover
"To thee uprooting of mountain is as simple as uprooting of grass,
To thee sight giving is as simple as left them blind,
Motion of planets on their orbits are as simple as astray their path,
To thee Dawn on earth is as simple as wrap it with darkness,
Giving pulses on heart is as simple as bring it to a standstill mode,
Evaporate the Boundless Ocean is as simple as turn them into floating clouds,
Fill this earth with pairs is as simple as turn the whole into singular as before
Nothing is bitterer than severance from Thee;
without Thy shelter there is naught but perplexity.
O pardon us, our sins are a heavy burden!"
We search for Him here and there
while looking right at Him.
Sitting by His side we ask,
"O Beloved, where are thou ?"
Enough with such questions! -
Let silence take you to the core of life.
No vision can grasp him, But his grasp is over all vision!
If ye seek him, search in true believers hearts.
But never ever trade, even for both worlds,
One strand of feeble thought about him.
you're with no one.
When you are with no one but with me,
you're with everyone
Instead of being bound up with everyone,
be everyone.
If i help you, no one can vanquish you.
If i forsake you, no one can help you.
Come nearer until ye feel i am enough to thee"
" A tailor needs torn garment to practice his expertise.
A farmer needs jagged land to improve his forte.
A driver needs bent in route to mould his skill.
Your shortcomings are the ways that glory gets manifested.
But be patient, God knows what is best
Patience will accomplish thy desire, not haste”
'Fire' -which always betokens the presence of men in a desert or a lonely place.
Like wise Shining star up on the sky is signalizing the presence of divine arms.
The gift of the highest spiritual insight is what he prays for first.
The breast is reputed to be the seat of knowledge and affections.
Those who have gifted with visionary wisdom , will ask for the expansion of breast.
Seek ye not water, Seek ye thirst, and waters from the very ground shall burst!
by seeking water you are the slave of your needs
but by seeking thirst, you enlarge your awareness of yourself.
A believer asks no questions, while no answer can satisfy the disbeliever!
"Though grief my days are as labor and sorrow,
My days move on, hand in hand with anguish.
Yet..though my days vanish thus, its not a matter,
if thou abide in my heart, O Incomparable Pure One!
Hail to thee, O my Beloved , sweet Lover of all Lovers
Wherever I look, all I see is your loving kindness"
" No matter how subtle the sleeper's thought becomes,
His dreams will not guide him home.
Whether the sleeper's thought is twofold or threefold,
It is error multiplying error.
he dreams of running through the wilderness,
while the waves are lapping so near.
he dreams of pangs of thirst with parched lips
While the water is nearer than his jugular vein
But if you are too sleepy ,Go to sleep on the way of dream mentor
Leave me alone..At nights I leap Up, on my own.
let go of my soul until see its architect! "
"How would the fountains all gush forth with water pure?
How would the rosebud tell its secret to the honeybee ?
How would the jasmine make contracts with butterfly?
How would the ringdoves call like seekers, "Where, oh where?"
How would the stork repeat his mantras from his soul,
To say: "O Helper high, Thine is the kingdom, Thine!"
How would the sky become a garden full of light?
With Thy light, which is brighter than sun and moon!
Yet Thy slaves never ceasedevising images of Thee!"
"you mustn't be afraid of death
you're a deathless soul
you can't be kept in a dark grave
you're filled with God's glow
i may talk too much,but my heart is silent
what else can i do,i am condemned to live this life
An uplifting of the heart surpassing all other upliftings ;
I cannot describe it, if you can, say on!"
You are the drop and the ocean
While afloat I remain
You are the light and the beam
Behind the veil I remain
ou are the path and the map
While in search I remain
You are the dew and the rain
While thirsty I remain
You are the flora and fragrance
Perfume trader I remain.
"Thou art like the wind, and we like the dust;
The wind is unseen, but the dust is seen by all.
Thou art the spring, and we the sweet green garden;
Spring is not seen, though its gifts are seen.
Thou art as the soul, we as hand and foot;
Soul instructs hand and foot to hold and take.
Thou art as reason, we like the tongue;
'Tis reason that teaches the tongue to speak.
Thou art as joy, and we are laughing;
The laughter is the consequence of the joy.
Thou art like the water, and we like the millstone.
So the revolution of the millstone, so violent,
Testifies to the existence of a stream of water"
"He Said :If you are in love with me, I shall make you perplexed.
Do not build much, for I intend to have you in ruins.
If you build two hundred houses in a manner that the bees do;
I shall make you as homeless as a fly.
If you are the mount Qaf in stability.
I shall make you whirl like a millstone.
But If you want to live, die in Love with me;
die in Love if you want to remain alive"
"Are you fleeing from Love because of a single humiliation?
What do you know of Love except the name?
Love has a hundred forms of pride and disdain,
and is gained by a hundred means of persuasion.
Since Love is loyal, it purchases one who is loyal:
Sincere Love to thee resembles a tree; its root is a covenant with God:
If a branch is without green leaves, yet has a good root,
a hundred leaves will put forth their hands in the end"
"Little by little,wean yourself
This is the gist of what i have to say.
From an embryo,whose nourishment comes in the blood,
move to an infant drinking milk,
to an child on solid food,
to a searcher after wisdom,
to a hunter of more invisible game"
You descend by the pure Word of God,
but you turned your sight
to the empty show of this world
Alas, how can you be satisfied with so little?
So come , return to the root of the root
of your own soul.
Why Are You So Enchanted By This World
When A Mine Of Gold Lies Within You?
Never be without the rememberance of Him,
for His rememberance
gives strength and wings
to the bird of the Spirit.
If that objective of yours
is fully realized, that is
"Light upon Light"
Love whispers to my ear,
"Better to be a prey than a hunter.
Make yourself My fool.
Stop trying to be the sun and become a speck!
Dwell at My door and be homeless.
Don't pretend to be a candle, be a moth,
so you may taste the savor of Life
and know the power hidden in serving
~ JRumi ~
Oh Beloved,
take away what I want.
Take away what I do.
Take away what I need.
Take away everything
that takes me away from you.
I was a painter
I created images and brought them to life
but when I saw you they all vanish.
Who are you my Friend
the promised lover or the deceitful enemy?
You ruin everything I build.
Now I am a sculptor
I carve new shapes and forms each day
but when I see you they all melt.
Nay..Thou are the Light of lights...
i'm sick and seeking for thine light as medicine !
-- jRumi--
I Said: My heart is so small
it is almost invisible
How can you place such
big sorrows in it?
' Look' , He answered,
"your eyes are even smaller,
yet they behold the whole world."
I Said:"Oh! Lord You Know What I Don't ,
You are the dispenser of hearts!!"
*J Rumi*
Days are passing..Years are passing...People who were there in this world when we were kid are no more now .There will come a day when we will be no more ...We strive for wordly goals...Let us think about the purpose of life and act accordingly!
Whatever pearl you seek,
look for the pearl within the pearl!
The glowing jewel says,
"Don't be fooled by my beauty
the light of my face
comes from the candle of thy spirit"
"God gave Pharaoh abundance of riches and wealth,
So that he boasted that he was 'Lord Supreme.'
In the whole of his life he suffered no headache,
So that he never cried to God, wretch that he was.
God granted him the absolute dominion of the world,
But withheld from him pain and sorrow and cares;
Because pain and sorrow and loads of cares
Are the treasures of God in the world.
Pain is better than the dominion of the world,
So that thou mayest call on God in secret.
The cries of those free from pain are dull and cold,
The tears of the sorrowful come from the burning hearts."
"However much we describe and explain love,
when we fall in love we are ashamed of our words.
explanation by the tongue makes most the things clear
But love unexplained is clearer.
None but the Sun can display the sun"
- JRumi -
"O Light on high! what is repentance without Thy grace
How broad is this ocean of Reason!
Where will you find one more liberal than God?
He buys the worthless rubbish which is your wealth,
He pays you the light that illumines your heart.
He takes a few drops of your tears,
And gives you the divine fount sweeter than sugar.
In return for the sigh-wind that raised tear-clouds,
And gives you a kingdom beyond what you dream of.
Come! in this incomparable and crowded mart
Sell your old goods and take a kingdom in payment!
Close then your lips, though eloquence be possible.
I'm tired in this universe,its just like
all who are not fishes are soon get tired in water"
"In this stormy sea we call life all the big ships
come apart board by board
How can I survive riding this lonely little boat
with no oars and no arms with no thy grace
rising with one wave and falling with the next
My heart is pulsing with passion like the waves on an ocean
Free my boat from the whirlpool's grip, And move it forward
Without Thy grace there is naught but perplexity"
the more you tell them to stop,the more they continue flowing.
What is the matter with your heart ?
the more you tell it to come to its senses,
the more it is getting distracted.
Does the lover think that his love can be concealed.
While his eyes are shedding tears and his heart is glowing.
'Mercy for all creatures',He is the guide of our caravan.
what a plight is this,if his thoughts are away,mind weeps to have a glance
but when i immersed with his thoughts,it weeps in thought of departure
"Oh singing nightingale! Sing your heart out
Let your soul take a flight like a happy phoenix
There is no thought or care for loss or gain,
Taste the cherries from which you like to pick
Flap and glide your wings to ascend new joyous heights
Descend once sailed across the boundaries beneath this sky
But we are the prisoner of time though the door is wide open"
“Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me
Don't claim them but feel the artistry and be silent.
Silence is the language of God, all else is its poor translation
Love rests on no foundation like an ocean, with no beginning or end.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and
find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
True lover is not a prisoner of this world but he is the king of kings”
"Whatever pearl you seek,
Look for the pearl within the pearl!
The glowing jewel says,
"Don't be fooled by my beauty
the light of my face
comes from the candle of thy spirit"
This place is an illusion of master illusionist
There is neither sky nor stars where you seen
Only a sleeper considers his dreams are real
Body of earth, don't talk of earth
Like one drunkard takes care of another
The Creator has given you inner sight
I regard not the outside and the words,
I regard the inside and the state of the heart.
Reason, leave now! You'll not find wisdom here!
There are no more signs of it, it itself becomes sign
He said, "Who is at my door?"
I said, "Your humble servant."
He said, "What do you seek?"
I said, "To have you as my constant friend."
He said, "What do you want from me?"
I said, "Your abundant grace."
He said, "Who was your companion on the journey?
I said, "The thought of you, 0 King."
Now it is time for silence.
If I told you about His true essence
You would fly from your self and be gone,
and neither door nor roof could hold you back!
WHO rears the seed in the darkness of the ground?
Who lifts the cloud up from the ocean wave?
Who drew here from the west the fruitful wind?
Who made this soil, or who that light of the sun?
Who filled with pearls of grain the tasseled wheat?
Who taught the months by instinct to revolve?
Landlord! this earth is not thine, is not thine,
Nor yet thy fathers' ; no, not thine, nor mine.
-Allama muhd Iqbal-
If anguish is not a delicious meat for you,
It is because you have never tasted the wine of love.all the prophets accept agony without pondering much
just like the water has never feared the fire.
Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief
falls into emptiness with a thousand new disguises
Keep your heart noble, for this most noble love
Although his love brings misfortunes in this world
Die in Love if you want to remain alive
The power of humility is not confined within these bounds
Just light your lantern all from 'One live flame'
In a night full of suffering and darkness
Be a candle spreading light till dawn
Like the sun and the stars,In the dance of love
Burn yourself for the sake of lighten others life
Oh Lord!Gift me thy love, for that take away what ye gave
this is the only profit trade from each life if ye give
Prayer is the nourisher of hearts and rejuvenator of souls
Though thou needs no praise ,for thou are above all praise;
Thou needs no petition,for thou unknown is nothing;
The prayer is for our own spiritual consolation of thy grace.
The wailing of broken heart is the doorway to his grace
pain and sorrows are the treasures of God on this world
The drops that come from the burning hearts!
Didn't I tell you not to enter to that palace of carelessness
It is me, who is your intimate friend
It is me, who is your self confess
Didn't I tell you not to be satisfied with the veil of this world?
it is me, the master illusionist,
It is me,who is the spring of eternal life.
Didn't I tell you not to fall in this trap like a blind bird?
I am your wings, I am the strength of your wings,
I am the wind keeping you in flight.
It is me,who is the life in your breath.
" No bread ever became corn again
No ripened grape ever became sour fruit.
Change is the only thing inevitable and keep move
But uphold true identity is the attribute of the strong
Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse.
The greatest victory is to conquer yourself
Only dead salmon swim with the flow of water
wheat grain becomes wheat plant even if
it is sown together with lakhs of barley grains"
I Said :"O Lord Enlight me with thy miracles !"
He Said :"All of you are hungry except those who are fed by me.
All of you are naked except those who are dressed by me.
All of you are blind except those who are enlightened by me.
sub atomic to celestial particles are according to my command !
the one who nurture seed from muddy to fragrant flora !
Our heart is a pen in your hand.
It is all up to you to write us happy or sad.
All our feelings have the color you desire to paint.
From the beginning to the end,no one but you.
The most graceful, make our future better than the past!
I Said:why life is getting perplexed when i closer to you?
He Said:"Noah was mocked by his ark !
Abraham was tested with Nimrod's fire !
Moses was in dilemma over sea and army !
Jonah was thrown by sailors into deep ocean !
Joseph was humiliated and imprisoned for years !
Yet they devoted ,So i strengthened their wings"
Eagle fly above the clouds to escape from the rain,
whereas the other birds run for shelter when it's raining !!
He said:"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me.'
we said:"O Lord, when did we see you in such a state" ?
He said:"When ever you served the needy, you done it for me"
Paradise is surrounded by what we dislike;
the fires are surrounded by what we desire.
Our worldly goods rob us of our heavenly goods,
O Guide ,remind us through out this desert journey ,
'the amount of water reserved is the life preserved'!
Even in midst of burning desert,there could be some Oasis.
But Without Thy grace there is naught but perplexity.
"You are a ruby encased in granite
How long will you deceive Us with this outer show?
O friend! We can see the truth in your eyes!
Come, come, whoever you are,
Come even though you have
broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair"
We are the birds of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when we let
ourself be chained and caged.
O Lord, we need more grace than we thought,
As our thoughts are bound with measures
while you know to give without measures!
We all are lions, but lions on a flag:
because of the wind they are rushing onward
Their onward rush is visible, and the wind is unseen:
our whole existence is from thy bringing into being.
An uplifting of the heart surpassing all other upliftings;
I cannot describe it ; if you can, say on!"
We are the as the earth and you are as the the sky
and From Thy grace grows my barley and wheat.
We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee;
we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee.
We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat:
our victory and defeat is from thee,
O thou whose qualities are Incomparable!
" If Thou showest not the way, our life is lost;
A life living without Thee esteem as dead!
If Thou findest fault with Thy slaves,
Verily it is right in Thee, O Blessed One!
Thine is the dominion and the glory and the wealth!
For Thou alone are exempt from defect " !
Don't expect to find any more in me than what you give.
I've shown you that all I have is only what you gave!
The light that lights the inner eye is from the light of the heart.
But the light that lights the heart is the light of God,
Which is distinct from the light of reason and sense.
O Lord, Nothing could remain hidden under thy Light.
And all the suns of heaven will vanish in thy light.
Listen to the story told by the reed, of being separated.
"Since I was cut from the reedbed, I have made this weeping .
Anyone apart from someone he loves, understands what I say.
Anyone pulled from a source longs to go back,
At any cheerful gathering I am there with this grieving heart".
If someone doesn't want to hear the song of this reed flute,
it's best to leave me alone ,as this is the story of mine .
He speaks to the tulip, and makes it blossom.
He speaks a spell to body, and it becomes soul;
He speaks to the sun, and it becomes a fount of light.
He speaks to the to the cloud, it pours rain-water
Thou art like the water, and we like the millstone.
So the revolution of the millstone, so violent,
Testifies to the existence of a stream of water"

without love the garden becomes desolate;
All the sick hope to be cured, but by this sick
its sufferer never desires to recover from it.
The agony of lovers burns with the fire of passion.
Only from the heart, can touch the sky.
Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation"
Even a single organic cell is enough to reveal the arms of a Cherisher
Even a single atom is enough to reveal the arms of a Omniscient
Even a single drop of water is enough to reveal the arms of a Sustainer
Even a single flying dust is enough to reveal the arms of a Guardian
Even a single star is enough to reveal the arms of a Protector
I feel pity on those who are endowed sight,yet they cannot see !
" Don't go anywhere without me.
There's nothing worse than to walk out
along the street without you.
I didn't come here of my own accord,
and I can't leave that way.
Whoever brought me here will have
to take me home.
You're the road, and the knower of roads "
I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e'er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, 'To Him we shall return.'
Stranger: why did you ascend the throne?
King: I'm the most powerful person in my kingdom.
Stranger: No. It belongs to those who have the lowest rank among people.
King: I'm the cleverest among my people.
Stranger: No, Only ridiculous people accept this sceptre.
King: I'm the honest among my people.
Stranger: No, this diadem only belongs those who are the most disgraced
King: I'm the noble among my people.
Stranger: No, This crown suits only to the slave among people.
King: Then how can I deserve my realm, which will not be destroyed?
Stranger : forever enduring dominion of earth and heaven belongs to our emperor !
"Wealth has no permanence: it comes in the morning,
and at night it is scattered to the winds.
for many become fools of money and horses.
Physical beauty too has no importance,
for a rosy face is made pale by the scratch of a single thorn.
Noble birth also is of small account,
Many a nobleman's son has disgraced his father by his wicked deeds.
take warning from the example of Iblis,
Lucifer had knowledge, but since his love was not pure,
he saw in Adam nothing but a figure of clay"
"Many are there who flee from one danger to a worse;
Many flee from a snake and meet a dragon.
Man plans a stratagem, and thereby snares himself;
What he takes for life turns out, to be destruction.
He shuts the door after his foe is in the house.
The faith of a man of God reflects the Will of God;
All else in this world is a mirage, a myth, a whim."
The morning breeze has whispered to me a secret,
hat those who know their Selfhood, are equal to kings.
Selfhood is the essence of thy life and honor,
Thou shalt rule with it, but without it be in disgrace.
There is no worse sickness for the soul,
O you who are proud, than this pretense of perfection
Swell not thy cheek for pride at men,
nor walk in insolence through the earth;
Thou are so delicate to predict thy next breath;
Be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice !
"How long can I lament with this depressed heart and soul ?
how long can I remain a sad autumn ever since my grief has shed my leaves
how long like a prisoner of grief can I beg for mercy ?
how long can i suffer the pain of hatred from my friends
by behaving like an enemy when i like them most ?
I'm not a piece of rock or steel but hearing my story
even water will become as tense as a stone.
I believe in love, I swear by love ,believe me by my love"
"Oh singing nightingale!
Sing your heart out
For the moaning of desire.
It can pierce even the heart of stone ,
unblock the Stream of Grace flows from source
Without which how could at every morning
the world be lighted up?
By your exaltation we get all
that we undeserved!
Worldly senses are the ladder of earth,
Spiritual senses are the ladder of heaven.
The health of the former arises from tending the body,
That of the latter from mortifying the flesh.
One, who runs behind butterfly, will keep his race
but it rests on those who sit calm,
such is the comparison of former and latter.
As salt resolved in the ocean, I was swallowed in God's sea,
For every drop of the ocean, Has the ocean's depth.
hence even single drop of water is spritually potent!
Gravity is just enough to hold this encircling Ocean in this vast space.
My heart is pulsing with passion like the waves on an ocean
My outer calmness is the reflection of inner awareness.
Free my boat from the whirlpool's grip ,And make it move forward,
Reveal to me the secrets of life,For thou knowest them all;
He said, "Who is at my door?"
I said, "Your humble servant."He said, "What business do you have?"
I said, "To greet you, 0 Lord."
He said, "How long will you journey on?"
I said, "Until you stop me."
He said, "How long will you boil in the fire?"
I said, "Until I am pure.
"This is my oath of love.
For the sake of love
I gave up wealth and position."
He said, "You have pleaded your case
but you have no witness."
I said, "My tears are my witness;
the pallor of my face is my proof.'
i longed for no more questions like,
"Your witness has no credibility;
your eyes are too wet to see."
Now it is time for silence.
If I told you about His true essence
You would fly from your self and be gone,
and neither door nor roof could hold you back!
- Rumi -
The opposite of light shows what is light,
To wit, to manifest happiness by its opposites.
Hidden things are manifested by their opposites;
so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart,
If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?
My dear heart, never think you are better than others.
Listen to their sorrows with compassion.
If you want peace, don't harbor bad thoughts,
do not gossip and do not teach what you do not know
"Thou gave these wings and sky to fly
Thou gave nest and rest upon safe trunk
Thou gave thirst and tasty drinks
Thou gave peace and relations
But never banish from thy neighborhood
You may melt these feathers
And take away these fortunes
Even burn me for the sake of live thy thoughts
With thy thoughts only I can remain alive"
'Mind'-the greatest of all cosmic wonders
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
Burn with love only makes ye brighter.
The only way to retain love is to give it away.
Give with pleasure, your self measure
and know the power hidden in serving
The greatest victor conquer hearts without any battle.
Wherever you are, whatever your condition is,
Always try to be a lover
"To thee uprooting of mountain is as simple as uprooting of grass,
To thee sight giving is as simple as left them blind,
Motion of planets on their orbits are as simple as astray their path,
To thee Dawn on earth is as simple as wrap it with darkness,
Giving pulses on heart is as simple as bring it to a standstill mode,
Evaporate the Boundless Ocean is as simple as turn them into floating clouds,
Fill this earth with pairs is as simple as turn the whole into singular as before
Nothing is bitterer than severance from Thee;
without Thy shelter there is naught but perplexity.
O pardon us, our sins are a heavy burden!"
We search for Him here and there
while looking right at Him.
Sitting by His side we ask,
"O Beloved, where are thou ?"
Enough with such questions! -
Let silence take you to the core of life.
No vision can grasp him, But his grasp is over all vision!
If ye seek him, search in true believers hearts.
But never ever trade, even for both worlds,
One strand of feeble thought about him.
I Said: "Extend thy grace to flee from this Loneliness "
He Said:"When you are with everyone but without me,you're with no one.
When you are with no one but with me,
you're with everyone
Instead of being bound up with everyone,
be everyone.
If i help you, no one can vanquish you.
If i forsake you, no one can help you.
Come nearer until ye feel i am enough to thee"
" A tailor needs torn garment to practice his expertise.
A farmer needs jagged land to improve his forte.
A driver needs bent in route to mould his skill.
Your shortcomings are the ways that glory gets manifested.
But be patient, God knows what is best
Patience will accomplish thy desire, not haste”
'Fire' -which always betokens the presence of men in a desert or a lonely place.
Like wise Shining star up on the sky is signalizing the presence of divine arms.
The gift of the highest spiritual insight is what he prays for first.
The breast is reputed to be the seat of knowledge and affections.
Those who have gifted with visionary wisdom , will ask for the expansion of breast.
Seek ye not water, Seek ye thirst, and waters from the very ground shall burst!
by seeking water you are the slave of your needs
but by seeking thirst, you enlarge your awareness of yourself.
A believer asks no questions, while no answer can satisfy the disbeliever!
"Though grief my days are as labor and sorrow,
My days move on, hand in hand with anguish.
Yet..though my days vanish thus, its not a matter,
if thou abide in my heart, O Incomparable Pure One!
Hail to thee, O my Beloved , sweet Lover of all Lovers
Wherever I look, all I see is your loving kindness"
" No matter how subtle the sleeper's thought becomes,
His dreams will not guide him home.
Whether the sleeper's thought is twofold or threefold,
It is error multiplying error.
he dreams of running through the wilderness,
while the waves are lapping so near.
he dreams of pangs of thirst with parched lips
While the water is nearer than his jugular vein
But if you are too sleepy ,Go to sleep on the way of dream mentor
Leave me alone..At nights I leap Up, on my own.
let go of my soul until see its architect! "
"How would the fountains all gush forth with water pure?
How would the rosebud tell its secret to the honeybee ?
How would the jasmine make contracts with butterfly?
How would the ringdoves call like seekers, "Where, oh where?"
How would the stork repeat his mantras from his soul,
To say: "O Helper high, Thine is the kingdom, Thine!"
How would the sky become a garden full of light?
With Thy light, which is brighter than sun and moon!
Yet Thy slaves never ceasedevising images of Thee!"
"you mustn't be afraid of death
you're a deathless soul
you can't be kept in a dark grave
you're filled with God's glow
i may talk too much,but my heart is silent
what else can i do,i am condemned to live this life
An uplifting of the heart surpassing all other upliftings ;
I cannot describe it, if you can, say on!"
You are the drop and the ocean
While afloat I remain
You are the light and the beam
Behind the veil I remain
ou are the path and the map
While in search I remain
You are the dew and the rain
While thirsty I remain
You are the flora and fragrance
Perfume trader I remain.
"Thou art like the wind, and we like the dust;
The wind is unseen, but the dust is seen by all.
Thou art the spring, and we the sweet green garden;
Spring is not seen, though its gifts are seen.
Thou art as the soul, we as hand and foot;
Soul instructs hand and foot to hold and take.
Thou art as reason, we like the tongue;
'Tis reason that teaches the tongue to speak.
Thou art as joy, and we are laughing;
The laughter is the consequence of the joy.
Thou art like the water, and we like the millstone.
So the revolution of the millstone, so violent,
Testifies to the existence of a stream of water"
"He Said :If you are in love with me, I shall make you perplexed.
Do not build much, for I intend to have you in ruins.
If you build two hundred houses in a manner that the bees do;
I shall make you as homeless as a fly.
If you are the mount Qaf in stability.
I shall make you whirl like a millstone.
But If you want to live, die in Love with me;
die in Love if you want to remain alive"
"Are you fleeing from Love because of a single humiliation?
What do you know of Love except the name?
Love has a hundred forms of pride and disdain,
and is gained by a hundred means of persuasion.
Since Love is loyal, it purchases one who is loyal:
Sincere Love to thee resembles a tree; its root is a covenant with God:
If a branch is without green leaves, yet has a good root,
a hundred leaves will put forth their hands in the end"
"Little by little,wean yourself
This is the gist of what i have to say.
From an embryo,whose nourishment comes in the blood,
move to an infant drinking milk,
to an child on solid food,
to a searcher after wisdom,
to a hunter of more invisible game"
You descend by the pure Word of God,
but you turned your sight
to the empty show of this world
Alas, how can you be satisfied with so little?
So come , return to the root of the root
of your own soul.
Why Are You So Enchanted By This World
When A Mine Of Gold Lies Within You?
Never be without the rememberance of Him,
for His rememberance
gives strength and wings
to the bird of the Spirit.
If that objective of yours
is fully realized, that is
"Light upon Light"
Love whispers to my ear,
"Better to be a prey than a hunter.
Make yourself My fool.
Stop trying to be the sun and become a speck!
Dwell at My door and be homeless.
Don't pretend to be a candle, be a moth,
so you may taste the savor of Life
and know the power hidden in serving
~ JRumi ~
Oh Beloved,
take away what I want.
Take away what I do.
Take away what I need.
Take away everything
that takes me away from you.
I was a painter
I created images and brought them to life
but when I saw you they all vanish.
Who are you my Friend
the promised lover or the deceitful enemy?
You ruin everything I build.
Now I am a sculptor
I carve new shapes and forms each day
but when I see you they all melt.
Nay..Thou are the Light of lights...
i'm sick and seeking for thine light as medicine !
-- jRumi--
I Said: My heart is so small
it is almost invisible
How can you place such
big sorrows in it?
' Look' , He answered,
"your eyes are even smaller,
yet they behold the whole world."
I Said:"Oh! Lord You Know What I Don't ,
You are the dispenser of hearts!!"
*J Rumi*
Days are passing..Years are passing...People who were there in this world when we were kid are no more now .There will come a day when we will be no more ...We strive for wordly goals...Let us think about the purpose of life and act accordingly!
Whatever pearl you seek,
look for the pearl within the pearl!
The glowing jewel says,
"Don't be fooled by my beauty
the light of my face
comes from the candle of thy spirit"
"God gave Pharaoh abundance of riches and wealth,
So that he boasted that he was 'Lord Supreme.'
In the whole of his life he suffered no headache,
So that he never cried to God, wretch that he was.
God granted him the absolute dominion of the world,
But withheld from him pain and sorrow and cares;
Because pain and sorrow and loads of cares
Are the treasures of God in the world.
Pain is better than the dominion of the world,
So that thou mayest call on God in secret.
The cries of those free from pain are dull and cold,
The tears of the sorrowful come from the burning hearts."
"However much we describe and explain love,
when we fall in love we are ashamed of our words.
explanation by the tongue makes most the things clear
But love unexplained is clearer.
None but the Sun can display the sun"
- JRumi -
"O Light on high! what is repentance without Thy grace
How broad is this ocean of Reason!
Where will you find one more liberal than God?
He buys the worthless rubbish which is your wealth,
He pays you the light that illumines your heart.
He takes a few drops of your tears,
And gives you the divine fount sweeter than sugar.
In return for the sigh-wind that raised tear-clouds,
And gives you a kingdom beyond what you dream of.
Come! in this incomparable and crowded mart
Sell your old goods and take a kingdom in payment!
Close then your lips, though eloquence be possible.
I'm tired in this universe,its just like
all who are not fishes are soon get tired in water"
"In this stormy sea we call life all the big ships
come apart board by board
How can I survive riding this lonely little boat
with no oars and no arms with no thy grace
rising with one wave and falling with the next
My heart is pulsing with passion like the waves on an ocean
Free my boat from the whirlpool's grip, And move it forward
Without Thy grace there is naught but perplexity"
is a power in the heart known as love, an unknown power,
Not something deriving from flesh and blood. It is a
light bestowed by GOD,
a special emotion. And it grows in proportion to
people’s faith;
The more love for GOD a person has, the more human
love he will have, too.
People with little love of GOD have little capacity
for love, they are too weak."
Oh soul! You worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less, why do you worry?
You are, in truth,
the soul of the soul of the soul!!!
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