Bismillah walhamdolilah wassalatu wassalam ‘ala rasool Allah
Here are ten ways to attain the love of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, as per Ibn al-Qayyim rahimuhallah:
First, reciting the Qur’an while pondering over its meanings and what is meant by it.
Allah says, the meaning of which is: “Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction” [4:82]
Allah rebukes those who do not ponder and reflect over the Qur’an. Thus, this verse is a means to motivate the believing men and women to reflect and ponder over the book of Allah so that they are not considered among that rebuked category of people.
In the tafsir of the above verse, Ibn Kathir rahimuhallah mentions:
Allah commands them to contemplate about the Qur’an and forbids them from ignoring it, or ignoring its wise meanings and eloquent words. Allah states that there are no inconsistencies, contradictions, conflicting statements or discrepancies in the Qur’an, because it is a revelation from the Most-Wise, Worthy of all praise. Therefore, the Qur’an is the truth coming from the Truth, Allah. This is why Allah said in another Ayah, “Do they not then think deeply in the Qur’an, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding it.”
Second, getting closer to Allaah by performing voluntary deeds after completing obligatory deeds. This is as is stated in a Hadith Qudsi: “…My slave continues getting closer to Me by performing voluntary deeds until I love him.”
The love of Allah will come after we take the steps in coming closer to Him, starting with what He has made an obligation upon us. This isn’t to say that its easy. It’s difficult job to struggle in worship and struggle to achieve His love. Initially, we may be weak and find it difficult and quit. However, if we stick with it,we will find our love for those deeds to grow within our hearts. And with the love of those deeds comes the love of the Most Loving, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
Third, continual remembrance of Allaah under all circumstances, with one’s tongue, heart and actions. The extent of one’s love of Allaah is determined by this.
Allah says, the meaning of which is: “O you who believe! Remember Allahwith much remembrance” [33:41]
Fourth, giving precedence to what He loves over what you love when you are overtaken by your desires.
Truly, this is a sign of a believer and one who has submitted to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. The lover will always put his lovers desires over his own. Then who is more worthy of loving than Allah?
Fifth, the heart being avid of Allaah’s Names, and Attributes and the heart roaming in that garden of knowledge.
Indeed, knowledge brings about awareness and awareness bring about understanding and understanding brings about love. The one who loves seeks out the ways to love and ways to attain his lover’s love. In the same manner, the love of Allah is in knowing the deen, and implementing it in our lives. And of the greatest forms of knowledge is to have the knowledge of His beautiful Names and Attributes. By knowing His Names and Attributes, you begin to understand Allah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. And I ask you, who doesn’t want to know His Lord?
Allah says, the meaning of which is: “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them” [7:180]
Sixth, observing Allaah’s kindness, goodness and bounties, both hidden and open.
It is to be aware of the vast amounts of Mercy Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has engulfed His slaves with. It is to recognize and accept the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and to show thanks for it. As Allah says: “Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?” [Surah Rehman V.13]
Seventh, and this is the most wonderful, the heart being soft, subdued and meek before Allaah.Eighth, being alone with Allaah during the time when the Lord descends during the last portion of the night while reading His Book and ending that by asking for forgiveness and repenting.
Allah says in the Qur’an, the meaning of which is: “And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salat (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Quran in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer Nawafil) for you (O Muhammad SAW). It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!)” [17:79]
Imam as-Suyooti rahimuhallah says in his tafsir of this verse: “It may be that your Lord will raise you to, establish you, in the Hereafter in a praiseworthy station, one for which the first and last [of mankind] will praise you — and this is the station of intercession [which will take place] during [the passing of] the Final Judgement”
Much can be said about the blessings of the night prayer. It is sufficient though for our purpose to quote the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah radhiAllah anhu in which the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam said (the meaning of which is): “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring: ‘Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’”
Truly, those who regularily commit to praying in the last third of the night, they are the successful ones. We ask Allah to make us amongst the blessed people who can reach that status.
Truly, those who regularily commit to praying in the last third of the night, they are the successful ones. We ask Allah to make us amongst the blessed people who can reach that status.
Ninth, sitting with the beloved and sincere, benefitting from the most fruitful of their speech. And not to speak unless speaking is more beneficial and you know that it will improve your state and be beneficial to others.Tenth, remaining away from every cause that comes between the heart and Allaah
In a hadith collected by Imam Bukhari rahimuhallah and narrated by Nu’man ibn Bashir radhiAllah anhu, the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam said: “…Beware, in the body there is a flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart.”
The purity of this heart is directly linked to the actions of the heart, the limbs, and the statements of the tongues because these are the three means of sinning. With every sin the Son of Adam commits his eman diminishes and his heart gets dirtier.
In regards to the heart, some of the salaf used to say: “The heart is the king of the limbs and the rest of the limbs are its soldiers; they always obey him by implementing his instructions and they never disobey him in any regard. (Remember) when the king is pious, his soldiers will also be pious. Similarly, when the king is sinful, his soldiers will also be sinful.”
We live this life yearning to be amongst those whom Allah loves. On top of that, we wish and pray that Allah gives us the opportunity to be amonst the blessed who sincerly love Him. Truly, this only comes from His Will and we should beg him for that opportunity day and night.
We live this life yearning to be amongst those whom Allah loves. On top of that, we wish and pray that Allah gives us the opportunity to be amonst the blessed who sincerly love Him. Truly, this only comes from His Will and we should beg him for that opportunity day and night.
Here is a a beautiful du’a that we have been taught by the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam:
Allahuma innee as aluka hubbak wa hubba maiyy yuhibbook wal ‘amalalathzee yuballighunee hubbakO Allah! Indeed I ask you for your love and love of those who love you and love of the deed which will draw me in attaining your love.
SubhanAllah! What a beautiful du’a. May Allah give us the ability to memorize this du’a and use it everyday in our journey of attaining His love. Ameen.
May Allah shower us with a blessed journey towards attaining His Love. Ameen.
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