Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
It is essential to know that sins and acts of disobedience are, necessarily, very harmful. Their harm effects upon the heart are akin to the harmful effects of poison upon the body, though the effects vary in their levels and intensities.
Ad-Daa’ wad-Dawaa’ (pp.65-67)
It is essential to know that sins and acts of disobedience are, necessarily, very harmful. Their harm effects upon the heart are akin to the harmful effects of poison upon the body, though the effects vary in their levels and intensities.
So is there any evil or harm in this world, or in the
Hereafter, except that it is due to sins and disobedience?
So what was it that expelled the two parents [i.e.
Adam and Eve] from Paradise; the home of delight, bliss, splendor and joy; to
the home of pain, sorrow and misfortune?
What was it that expelled Iblees [i.e. Satan] from the
heavenly realms, causing him to be rejected and cursed; transforming him both
inwardly and outwardly, so that his form became ugly and hideous – his inner
form more hideous than his outer – replacing his nearness with remoteness,
mercy with curse, his beauty with ugliness, from being in Paradise to being in
the blazing Fire, from having faith to being an unbeliever, from having the
patronage and friendship of Allaah, the Praiseworthy Guardian, to being the
greatest enemy and opponent, from glorifying and praising Him to committing
acts of unbelief, shirk, lies, deception and shamelessness, from being adorned
with faith to being clothed in the garment of unbelief, sinfulness and
disobedience, causing him to reach the deepest depths of despicability,
plunging down in the sight of Allaah as far as it is possible to plunge;
causing the anger of Allaah the Exalted to be upon him, making him an outcast –
despised and humiliated – so that he became a leader for every sinner and
criminal, becoming pleased with leadership for himself, after having reached
the station of worship and nobility?
O Allaah, we seek refuge in You from opposing Your
command and falling into what You have forbidden.
What was it that caused the people of the earth to
drown, to the extent that the water rose above even the mountaintops?
What was it that caused the violent winds to overcome
the people of ‘Aad, such that it flung them down dead upon the face of the
earth – as if they were lopped-off palm trunks – and it destroyed whatever
dwellings and crops it came across, thus making them an example for nations
until the Day of Resurrection?
What was it that caused the piercing shrieks to be set
loose upon the Thamood people, such that their hearts were severed within their
very bodies, by which they all perished?
What was it that caused the town of the homosexuals to
be raised up and turned upside down, such that they were all destroyed? Then
stones from the sky pelted down upon them so that they suffered a combined
punishment, the like of which was not given to any other nation! And for their
brothers will be its like; and it is not far off from the transgressors!
What was it that caused the clouds of punishment to
overcome the people of Shu’ayb, such that when these clouds were above their
heads it rained scorching fire upon them?
What was it that caused the Pharaoh and his people to
be drowned in the ocean, and caused their souls to be transported to the
Hellfire, so their bodies drowned and their souls burned?
What was it that caused Qaaroon, his dwelling, wealth
and family to sink down into the earth?
What was it that caused the destruction of those
generations after Noah, and how they were afflicted with various punishments
that caused their annihilation?
What was it that caused the destruction of the
companions of Yaa Seen, with the clamorous shout, which destroyed them?
What caused there to be sent against the Children of
Israa’eel enemies of great strength and might, plundering their homes, killing
their men, enslaving their women and children, burning their dwellings, seizing
their wealth, and then returning again a second time, destroying what was
rebuilt after the first onslaught?
was it that caused the various types of punishments to be set loose upon the
Children of Israa’eel? Killing them, enslaving them, destroying their land and
at times causing them to be oppressed by kings, whilst at another time causing
them to be transformed into apes and swines – and finally the Lord took an oath
that: “He would certainly keep on sending against them, until the Day
of Resurrection, those who will inflict them with a humiliating torment.” [Soorah
al-A’raaf 7:167]
Imam Ahmad said: al-Waleed ibn Muslim related to us;
that Safwaan ibn ’Amr related to us; that ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Jubayr ibn Nufayr
related; from his father, who said:
“When Cyprus was conquered and its people were
dispersed and they started weeping to each other, I saw Abud-Dardaa sitting
alone and weeping. So I said to him: O Abud-Dardaa! What makes you weep on this
day that Allaah has granted strength and honor to Islaam and its people? So he
said: Woe be to you O Jubayr! How insignificant the creation becomes to Allaah
when they turn away from His command. In front of us is a nation who were
evidently powerful and who had dominion, yet they abandoned Allaah’s command,
so look what has become of them.”
[2] ‘Alee ibn al-Ja’d said: Shu’bah ibn ‘Amr ibn Murrah
informed us; I heard Abul-Bukhtaree say:I was informed by someone, who heard
the Prophet (sallalalhu alaihi wa-sallam) saying:
people will not perish, until they have no excuse left for themselves.”
[3] Imaam Ahmad reports in his Musnad, from the hadeeth
of Umm Salamah, who said: I heard Allaah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihi
wa-sallam) saying:
acts of disobedience become widespread in my ummah, then Allaah may send
punishment upon them all from Himself” So
I said: 0 Allaah’s Messenger! Even if there are righteous people amongst them
that day? So he replied: “Indeed!” So I said: How will that
be? He replied: “They will be afflicted with what afflicts the people,
then they will move on to the forgiveness of Allaah and His good pleasure.” [4]
[1] Ad-Daa’ wad-Dawaa’ (pp.65-67).
[2] Reported by Imaam Ahmad in az-Zuhd (i/86) with an
authentic (saheeh) chain of narration
[3] Reported by Ahmad (4/260) and Abu Daawood
(no.4347) with an authentic chain of narration.
Reported by Ahmad (6/304) and one of its narrators is Layth ibn Abee Sulaym,
who is weak. However the hadeeth is established due to further supporting
narrations. Consult Silsilatul-Ahaadeethus-Saheehah (no.1372) of Shaykh
Ad-Daa’ wad-Dawaa’ (pp.65-67)
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