"When we were afraid and anxious, we used to go to Ibn
Taymiyyah. As soon as we saw him and heard him, all negative feelings
disappeared. Our hearts were filled with conviction and harmony.
Free is He from defects who shows His servants the paradise
before they get to meet Him."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Whoever remembered Allaah whilst being alive and in good
health, will remember Him at the time of death."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Trials and tribulation are like feeling the heat and cold,
when one knows that they cannot be avoided, he will not feel the anger at their
onset, nor will be distressed or disheartened."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The Prophet, sallaallahu `alayhi wa sallam, used to wear
his best clothes for the Eid prayers and he had clothes that he reserved for
the two Eids and Jumu'ah."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"If a person is sincere towards Allah in all his affairs,
Allah will give him more than He gives to others, and this sincerity results
from true love of Allah and true trust in Him.
So the most sincere of people is the one who is loves Allah most
and puts most trust in Him."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Ibn Taymiyyah lived poorly. He was imprisoned and threatened.
But I have never seen anyone as happy as him.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“If the Night of Decree (Laylatoel Qadr) was some night during
the entire year, I’d stand in night prayer the entire year to get it. So what
do you suppose should be done for merely ten nights?”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"In order for a place to contain something, it must be free
from whatever contradicts it. This principle applies to mankind and all
creation as well as to belief and desires.
So, if the hearts is obsessed by belief in falsehood, there will
be no place for truth.
Accordingly, if the tongue is involved in trivial discourse, one
shall be incapable of useful speech, unless falsehood is abandoned."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Fasting guards and protects the health of the person's
heart and body limbs. And it returns the soul all that the hands of the desires
has taken from it. So it is from the greatest ways of improving one's Taqwa, as
Allah says:
"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was
prescribed for those before you in order that you attain Taqwa."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"True fasting is when the limbs fast from sin and the
stomach fasts from food and drink. As food and drink can break the fast or
spoil it, so sins can cut off its reward and spoil its fruits, as if one had
not fasted at all."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Buy for yourself (through doing good deeds) while there is
still a market and you have the ability to buy."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The road to Allaah is free from those who have doubt, and those
who give in to their lusts. It is full of those having certainty and patience.
They are like guideposts along the road.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Everyone will pass through times of sleep and neglect
(following his lusts), but do not sink into sleep as the morning of the
hereafter is close at hand."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The most precious reward during life is to busy yourself with
most suitable and useful matters in their exact and suitable time.
How can he be rational who sells Paradise and what is in it, for
one hour of passing pleasure?”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
anyone sincerely believes in the Hereafter, he would never be satisfied with
this worldly life nor would he be heedless of the Ayaat of Allah.❞
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Feeling powerless is a deceptive excuse.”
[Imam Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“When there is money in your hand and not in your heart, it will
not harm you even if it is a lot; and when it is in your heart, it will harm
you even if there is none in your hands.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Beware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in
the best possible way, do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the
noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you
when you arrive to it.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"If you do not work hard and face difficulties along your
way in seeking glory, you will never taste honor and relief when you attain
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The servant has a Lord that he will stand in front of and
a house that he will live in, so he must seek the pleasure of Allah before
meeting Him and he should furnish his house before moving into it."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Were it not that Allaah treats His slaves with the remedy
of trials and calamities, they would transgress and overstep the mark.
When Allaah wills good for His slaves, He gives him the medicine
of calamities and trials according to his situation, so as to cure him from all
fatal illnesses and diseases, until He purifies and cleanses him, and then
makes him qualified for the most honourable position in this world;
Which is that of being a true slave of Allaah (‘uboodiyyah), and
for the greatest reward in the Hereafter, which is that of seeing Him and being
close to Him."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
Ibn `Abbas [may Allah be pleased with him] said:
“Indeed good actions are a light in the heart, a strengthening
for the body, a glow on the face, a cause for extensive provisions and love in
the hearts of the creation.
Indeed bad actions are a darkness in the heart, a blackness on
the face, a weakness for the body, a cause for decrease in provisions and
hatred in the hearts of the creation.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"He (Allah) created the seven seas, but He loved a tear
from you (out of fear of Him) but your eyes were tearless”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"A scholar said: 'To have patience means that one's common
sense and religious motives are stronger than one's whims and desires.' It is
natural for people to have an inclination towards desires, but common sense and
the religious motive should limit that inclination.
The two forces are at war: sometimes reason and religion win,
and sometimes whims and desires prevail.
The battlefield is the heart of the man."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“You must be willing to change. You must be willing to break the
deal you made with the devils within. You must be willing to leave the past and
not be tempted to rebound when times are tough.
You must be willing to let go of everything and anyone that
takes you back to your sins. You must be willing to have hope. You must be
willing to have hope that you can change and that you will and that you will be
You must believe you are worthy of change and you are
worthy...See More
“Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when
tested, being thankful when receiving a blessing, and being repentant upon
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Contentment is the paradise of this world.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Undoubtedly allowing women to mix freely with men is the
basis of all evils. This is one of the greatest causes of punishment coming
down upon everyone and of public and private affairs becoming corrupt.
Free mixing of men and women is the cause of much immorality and
adultery, and it is the cause of general doom and diseases."
One of the greatest causes of general doom is the prevalence of
adultery because of allowing women to mix freely with men and to walk amongst
them making a wanton display of their beauty.
If the powers that be knew how much corruption it causes to
worldly interests and to people, they would prevent it most vigorously.
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Righteous actions are only according to righteous
intentions, and a good intention does not make something which is futile
This is because intentions alone cannot make an action correct,
but rather complying with the Sharee’ah (Prescribed Laws) must be added to
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“When a slave’s morning and evening is filled with spending time
to worship Allah, Allah will then help him with all of his needs and help him
with everything he wishes. He (Allah) will also fill his heart with love to
Allah for Allah, his tongue with Dhikr, and his body parts with obedience to
But as for the one who’s morning and evening is filled with
thinking about the wordly life, then Allah will let him take care of all of his
problems, troubles and sufferings him...
"Dhikr gives a person strength so that he can do with dhikr
that which he cannot do without it.
I saw wonders in the strength of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah in
walking, speech, courage and writing.
He used to write in one day what a scribe would write in a week,
or more.
The troops saw his amazing strength in war.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught
his daughter Faatimah and ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with them) to recite
tasbeeh thirty-th...See More
"Go out into the field of struggles and strive to sow
seeds. Irrigate the tree of regret with the water of tears."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“If you do not find any sweetness and relaxation in your heart
from a [good] deed, then you should suspect your heart.
Verily, Allâh is Ash Shakoor. That is, He must reward the doer
of the deed for his deed in this world by a sweetness he finds in his heart, a
stronger feeling of relaxation and a joy in his eyes.
If the person does not find these things, it means that
something has entered upon his deed [and made it not correct and purely for
Allâh’s sake].”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Sincerity is not combined in the heart along with the love of
being praised by the people, and being commended by them, and also having greed
for what the people have, except like water being combined with fire.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The degree to which a person is helped and aided by Allah
depends on the degree of his intention, drive, aim and hopes. Help from Allah
comes to people in proportion to their drive, intention, hopes and fears, and
failure comes to them in like manner.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Yearning for Allah and His meeting is like the gentle
breeze blowing upon the heart, extinguishing the blaze of the dunya.
Whosoever causes his heart to settle with his Lord shall be in a
state, calm and tranquil.
And whosoever sends it amongst the people shall be excessively
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The servant is never in need of any other thing as much as he
is need of guidance to the straight path.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The sea of pleasures may drown its owner and the swimmer
fears to open his eyes under water."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The world is like a shadow, you see it move here and there
thinking it is real, and attempt to run after it, only to discover that it was
an illusion."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“If you want to benefit from the Qur’aan, gather your heart when
it is recited (try to understand it), focus your hearing, and act like you are
being directly addressed by Allah.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Du'aa is one of the most beneficial cures and the enemy of
fitnah (evils and trials), wards it off and treats it, prevents it to happen
and cures it if it happens. Du'aa is the weapon of the believer.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Obedience is light, disobedience is darkness, the bigger the
darkness is, the more confused one is. At last one falls into innovations and
misguidance without noticing it.”
Ibn al Qayyim Rahimahullah]
“Prayer brings provision, keeps health and prevents harm, expels
illnesses, strengthens heart, whitens face, delights the soul, protects from
laziness, activates the body, gladdens the heart, nourishes the soul,
enlightens the heart, maintains the grace, prevents the curse, brings the
blessing, taking you away from satan and getting you closer to the ever
Ibn al Qayyim Rahimahullah]
“As long as the tongue is occupied in dhikr, it will be safe
from unbecoming speech and lies, because it never keeps quiet. Alike it is with
the heart, if it is not occupied in love of Allah then it will love the
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"It was said that tawakkul is when the heart knows that the
Lord is sufficient for the slave."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Religion is in its entirety good character, so the one who
exceeds you in character, has exceeded you in religion.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“When you do not have knowledge, someone could bring you dirt
and you will believe it to be gold.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The soul will never become pious and purified except
through undergoing afflictions. It is the same as gold that can never be pure
except after removing all the base metals in it."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Allah will never humiliate the one who takes his Lord as a
Friend and Protector.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“Satan rejoiced when Adam (peace be upon him) came out of
Paradise, but he did not know that when a diver sinks into the sea, he collects
pearls and then rises again.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"It has been said:
"Sincerity is to forget the creation seeing you because of
contin¬ually looking towards the Creator. Whoever adorns himself before the
people with what he does not possess, has fallen from Allah's Grace."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"The proof the denier uses to deny the Lord is in fact a
strong proof and sign that increases the believer in faith. The truth is that
by the same signs of Allah, He misleads whomsoever He wants and guides
whomsoever He wants."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"There is nothing on earth that badly needs to be
imprisoned more than the tongue."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
generate more sins, and one leads to another, until they overpower a man and he
finds it difficult to repent from that.❞
As one of the earlier generation said:
One of the punishments of bad deeds is more bad deeds, and one
of the rewards of good deeds is more good deeds.
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
"Al- Junayd said: 'The journey from this world to the
Hereafter is smooth and easy for the believer, but leaving ordinary life for
the sake of Allah is difficult.
The journey from the ego (nafs) to Allah is extremely difficult,
and patience (sabr) in Allah is even more difficult."
He was asked about patience, so he replied: 'It is to swallow
bitterness without frowning.'
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"To wish the Kaafir α happy holiday, is like congratulating him because he is
worshipping the cross."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“If knowledge had a face, it would have been more beautiful than
the shams wal qamar (sun and the moon).”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The heart will rest and feel relief if it is settled with
Allah. And it will worry and feel anxious if it is settled with the people.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"I heard Shaykh'ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah sanctify
his soul) say:
"Dhikr is to the heart as water is to a fish; see what
happens to a fish when it is taken out of water!"
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“The heart gets sick as the body does and its cure is in asking
for forgiveness and protection.
It also becomes rusty like a mirror does and it is polished by
remembering Allah.
The heart can also be naked like the body and can lose its dress
and decoration, which is piety..
And it can feel hunger and thirst like the body does, and its
nourishment is knowledge, love, trust, and offering service to Allah.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Ikhlaas is the way to salvation, Islaam is the ship to safety
and Imaan is the seal of security."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
“When you make dua, it is a sign that Allah loves you and has
intended good for you.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Sinning will leave you poor and regretful."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
"Allaah Ta'aala testifies for the one who, has been given
knowledge, that He has given him lots of good. Allaah Ta'aala said:
"He grants Hikmah to whom He pleases, and he, to whom
Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good"
[Soerat Al Baqarah vers 269]
Ibn Qootayba and the majority of the scholars said:
"Wisdom is to be on the truth and to act upon it, and that
is beneficial knowledge and good actions."
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
Ibn Qayyim also wrote a famous qasidah, entitled Ayobbad
al-Maseeh Fi Naqd al-Nasraniyyah (O Christ-Worshippers! In Refuting
اعباد المسيح
لنا سؤال….نريد جوابه ممن و عاه
O Christ-worshippers! We want an answer to our question [from
your wise ones],
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him), said in
Madarij al-Salikin (2/68):
''Allah said: He Who created death and life, to test which of
you are best in action. [al-Mulk 67:2]
Fudayl ibn 'Iyad said [about this verse]: 'It is what is most
sincere and most correct.'
They asked: O Abu 'Ali, what is most sincere and most
He replied: 'An action, if it is sincere but not correct, will
not be accept¬ed. ...See More
“Be to Allah as He wishes, and He will be to you more than you
can wish for.”
Ibn al Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah]
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