
Ibn Al Qayyim rahimahullah says, “If the only thing that was revealed regarding the benefit of remembering Allah is the following verse, then it would have been enough.” ‘So remember Me; I will remember you” [2:152]
Muhammad ibn Waasi' asked: “If you see a man crying in Paradise,would you not be amazed at his crying?” He was answered in the affirmative. So he asked them again, “What is more amazing is he who laughs in this life, while utterly unaware where his final destination will be!” [Al-'Ihyaa].
Remember your beginning and end as well.

“How can you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless and He brought you to life; then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you [back] to life, and then to Him you will be returned.” #Quran #2:28
Just Convince your little heart...

As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good; I was actually being redirected to something better. You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial to you.~Imam Ghazali
If it's True

“If your love is true, you would feel an aversion for anything that does not remind you of the one you love. How odd! Whoever claims to love and needs to be reminded of his beloved, then his love is not complete! The least thing that shows your love is that you never forget your beloved”~Ibn-ul-Qayyim
Cute Elements Dr. Mustafa al-Siba’i said...

“There is no good in a ruler whose religion does not rule him, and there is no good in an intelligent one whose intellect does not lead him, and there is no good in a scholar whose knowledge does not guide him, and there is no good in a strong one whose justice does not halt him.”

Stay close, my heart, to the One who knows your ways.~Rumi
World renowned scholar

Hassan Al Basri (r) was sitting on the upper floor of a Masjid, reciting Qur’an. Introspecting about the past and musing on the Hereafter, his heart softened and tears gushed out from his eyes. When he looked, a few of tear drops fell on the person who was sitting downstairs. Looking to the top, he asked Hasan Al Basri: “ Is this clean water, brother?” The humble reply of Hasan Al Basri was thus: “Brother, go and clean your cloths. Those are the tears of a sinner.”
A Fantastic Fact...

There is principle in mathematics that anything multiplied by zero becomes zero , similarly if your reputation, ego, wealth , successes in this world were to be gathered and multiplied by 'death' everything comes down to zero , only valued posession you carry with you is deeds done to seek pleasure of Allah (swt).~Abul Khayr
Isn't That true?

One is never wounded by the love one gives but only by the love one expects
Is that Fair?Xclusievely for Couples.

"Women like attention and they like to be told clearly that they are loved. Don’t be stingy in expressing your love for your wife. If you become limited in expressing your love, you will create a barrier of harshness between you and her, and there will be a decrease in affection." Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Rahimahullah

You admire a Celebrity that doesn't know you exist while you forget the ONE that made you exist.
Test of Love.

“The purpose wasn’t for Ibrahim to kill his son rather it was to sacrifice him in his heart so all love belonged to Allah alone.” — Ibn Qayyim
Whoever said it, said it beautifully...

If you want to love me you have to get through the love I have for Allah Azzawajal

If we find within ourselves a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
Amazing n Awesome Reply.

Abu Uthman was once riding in the street when a pot of ashes was thrown down upon him. He dismounted, and prostrated himself to God in gratitude, and then brushed the ashes from his clothes without saying a word. ‘Shall you not rebuke them?’ he was asked, but he replied, ‘A man who deserves fire but receives only ashes cannot fairly be angry.’

A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain? — Khalil Gibran
Nothing to worry about whatsoever.

There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.
Time is needed.

The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full. ; Blessed is he who denounces the tempting ready desire, to earn the promised blessing he has not seen.
If possible, do it.

If u can hide your personality from people, do it. You should not care if people do not praise you and you should not care if people disregard you when Allah honours you.
Knowledge is vast.

A man went to Abu Dharr (R), “O Abu Dharr, teach me something new of knowledge.” Abu Dharr wrote to him, “Knowledge is vast. However, if you can abstain from wronging some one that you love, do so.” The man asked him, “Have you seen anyone wrong someone that he loves?” Abu Dharr replied, “Yes, your own self is the dearest of all things to you. And when you disobey God, you have wronged it.
Unique is you!

Do not compare yourself with anyone. Everyone has been given something special.Seven colors make a rainbow...every color has its own importance. ~hamid
Lets goal it.

If you want to make a difference, wake up everyday intending to help someone with something they will never be able to repay you for. Start with your family and relatives. Don’t worry, Allah will reward you with full measure and more.

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets.The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.
The bite of truth

Truth will always -sooner or later- come back to bite those who refuse to accept it.
Choice is yours.

”Of sin, the joy dies and the punishment remains. Of obedience, the effort ends and the reward lasts.
~ Ibn Jawzi
Very much true.

Patience in resisting desires is easier than patience in dealing with the consequences that result from going along with desires.~Ibn Qayyim (r)

"No sadness lasts forever, nor any felicity, Nor any state of poverty or one of luxury.
If you are the owner of a heart that is content, Then you are the owner of the world and its equivalent."
Check your heart before you say , I love you for Allah's sake.Its enough for now.

If what is enough for you, isn’t enough for you, then nothing in this Dunya will be enough for you.
Science Accepted the secret behind Salah (namaz)Mind your own business

Good character and conscience, Good manners and courtesy are like a currency
that is accepted in every country;
They are like diamonds whose value is not affected by market fluctuations.
Individuals adorned with these virtues are the most respected traders;
They can do business even if they have no capital.
Together in Paradise.

He finished his prayer and walked to his wife. He began to read something while he held her fingers. She asked, " what are you doing dear"? He answered, “I finished my prayer and now I'm doin Tasbih on your hands so that we can share the AJR (reward), and inshAllah we will be together in paradise too.”
In their eyes...

Butterflies aren’t aware of the color of their own wings, but our human eyes do and we know how beautiful they are. Likewise, you may not see how good you are, but other people can see how special you are in thier eyes..
Raise them for a lofty purpose.

We shouldn't raise our children to provide for us but exclusively to worship Allah as Allah alone is the sustainer of us and them-Hamid
Trust Them.Marry the wise one, not the vice one

The one who marry someone just because of money is a miser and a miser cannot be a good lover to his spouse,the one who marry someone just because of status is proud and the proudish cannot be gentle and kind to his wife.The one who marry someone just because of beauty is a fool and the foolish ones cannot distinguish between the reality and the illusion but the only one who marry someone just because of piety(good manners) is wise.~Hamid

Trust someone who can see these 3 things in you : The sorrow behind your smile, The love behind your anger, The reason behind your silence.
Check your thoughts.

Don’t be surprised when you can’t remember Allah during salah if you spent the rest of your day thinking about other things.
More than a factA Tough Trait

Sincerity is a secret between Allah and His servant which not even the angels know so as to record it, nor does satan know so as to corrupt it, nor is the desire aware so as to influence it.~Junaid al-baghdadi

If Allah Wills it, nothing can prevent it. And if Allah doesn’t want it to happen, nothing can make it happen. If you’re meant to be with someone, you will be with them eventually, even if it seems impossible. And if you’re not meant for someone, no matter how hard you try, nothing will make it work. It’s all about trusting Allah to give you what’s best for you.
Acknowledged it!

Some flowers grow best in the sun, while others do well in the shade. Allah (swt) always knows what is the best for us, so He puts us where we grow the best.
Life in Love

“To say حـب one must commit the entire mouth from the throat to the lips, symbolic of the commitment of life in love.” — Shaykh Yaser Birjas
They bring it.

The guest arrives bringing his own sustenance and leaves taking away the sins of his hosts.
Cut the root instead of a branch.

If the first inward thought is not warded off, it will generate a desire. The desire will generate a wish, the wish will generate an intention, the intention will generate an action, and the action will result in ruin, and divine wrath. So evil must be cut off at its root, which is when it is simply a thought that crosses the mind.
~ Imam Al-Ghazali
For parents

We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between a man who flatters her and a man who compliments her… a man who spends money on her and a man who invests in her…a man who views her as property and a man who views her properly… a man who lusts after her and a man who loves her… a man who believes he is God’s gift to women and a man who remembers a woman was God’s gift to man.
Little is enough

When u get little You want more, When u get more, You desire even more, but when u lose it, u realize LITTLE was enough.
Both are needed.

If men are the heads of the household, women are the necks. You can’t turn the head without the neck.can you?
Tears in eyes

When tears come into your eyes, they are verification that du’as are being answered and God has accepted you and sins are being forgiven. Tears signify the purity of your heart, and it will cleanse your heart in these nights.Sometimes it just feels best to weep so that our heart can express itself in a way that words cannot.
Its betterSix states

“The body experiences six different states: health, sickness, death, life, sleep and wakefulness… so does the spirit. Its life is its knowledge and its death ignorance; its sickness is doubt whereas its health is certainty; its sleep is its negligence and its wakefulness is its consciousness.”
~ Ali (r)
Golden plate
I would rather help a believer with a problem, than pray in the night because the prayer is for me, but helping him helps the community~Imam Ahmed
Ranks in heaven.

"Someone said to the Messenger (SAW): “I have been robbed.” He said “There is no good in the person whose property is not taken or whose body does not become ill, for God Most High pours affliction upon the servants whom He loves.” And he said: “There are many levels in heaven which the servant of God cannot attain by his own efforts. God Most High raises them to them by affliction."
~ Al-Ghazzali on Patience and Gratitude

“The issue of the heart is not a matter of play, for it can be ruined in an instant but take lifetime to revive and rectify just like the making or rebuilding of a town. We should all strive our hardest to rectify our hearts and make them thriving communities.” – Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad
Cut the nails, not the relationships...

When nails grow, we cut them down, but not our fingers. Similarly when ego grows, cut it down by the axe of faith, but not your relationships.
Love Leads

Don’t be too hurry in love, find someone who can guide you not only in Dunya, but in akhirah. Who can pick you up when you fall, who can remind you when you forget, love you with all his might, someone that will hold your hands through thick and thin ; lead you to the Jannah.
Let's have/acquire these qualities

A muslim should be bold in his aspiration, firm in his resolve, and not swayed from his goal by the blame of the blamers or the discouragement of the dicouragers. He should be generally tranquil, constantly in thought, and not be moved by the sweetness of a compliment or the pain of criticism.- Ibn al-Qayyim
Our graves will be of same size.

”No matter how big your house is, how flashy your car is or how expensive your clothes are, our graves are still going to be the same size” and remember that the heart is the seat of desires (both +ve & -ve). If one becomes slave to their desires (-ve), the result is nothing but chronic disappointment, distress and anguish. "Have you not seen the one who takes his desires as his god?" ( Al-Furqaan, 25:43.)
Let's Learn from ants...

I hate the person who is jobless and who merely lies on his back and says, ‘O Allah! Give me sustenance! He asks Allah to do him a favor while the small ant comes out of its ant colony to seek its livelihood!~Imam Muhammad

I hate the person who is jobless and who merely lies on his back and says, ‘O Allah! Give me sustenance! He asks Allah to do him a favor while the small ant comes out of its ant colony to seek its livelihood!~Imam Muhammad
For Parents

Do not force your children to behave like you, for surely they have been created for a time which is different to your time and whatever you want your children to be tomorrow, be that person today.
A Tough Advice.

Hate no one, no matter how much they’ve wronged you, Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become, Think positively, no matter how hard life is, Give much, even if you’ve been given little, Keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you, and forgive who has wronged you, And do not stop praying for the best for those whom you love.~Hazrath Ali (r)
Check your friend

"Do not befriend whoever commits ‘uquq (being disrespectful, hurtful, unkind to one’s parents), for he will never be faithful to your relation while he has committed ‘Uquq towards those who have more right on him than you have."~Birr-ul-Walidain, by Ibn al-Jawzi
Hold on to the rein...

The soul is the mount on which we ride to Paradise or Hell-Fire, and patience is its rein. Without a rein, the animal may redirect its course. — Ibn al-Qayyim
Passion and Patience

It is said, “Verily passion turns kings into slaves, and patience turns slaves into kings" Do you not see the story of Yusuf (pbuh) and Zulaykha.? The passion of the latter ruined her honor while the patience of Yusuf (pbuh) raised him to the greatest of heights both in terms of success and honor.
Its better.

It is better to be disliked for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not.If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.
If Allah loves someone...

If Allah loves someone, He will give that person faith. If Allah loves that person a little bit more, He will give that person strenght and perseverance to practice His religion perfectly. And If Allah loves that person a little bit more, He will make his life in this Dunya difficult, for that slave of His to test how far is the love of His Slave to Him.
Tears of Taubah.

Sincere, heartfelt, deliberate repentance is the only thing that wipes out past disobediences to Allah, and it has to be accompanied by severe, humbling regret and remorse, coupled with seeking Allah’s pardon through dhikr (remembrance by the tongue), salah,sadaqah/charity, (preferably) crying or sobbing with tears of regret, and last but not least, rushing forth in obligatory and voluntary good deeds as compensation, to appease Allah’s wrath and attain His pleasure. Repentance, when sincere, can wipe out one’s past sins not just from one’s book of records, but also from the hearts, minds and memories of people who witnessed that sin.~Sister Sadaf Farooqi
A Secret in Salah.

Adam (pbuh) was the first man, and the first prophet. He was chosen by Almighty Allah. In Arabic the name Adam is made from the letters alif, dal and mim which represent man standing, bowing and prostrating. When man prostrates to his Lord, it is the only time that his heart is above his head, within the name of the first man, Allah ta'la has left a secret of how to live a life .
Paradox of the western world.

They have guided rockets and missiles but misguided thier own men and women, have successfully split the atom but couldn't thier own prejudice. They have purified the air but polluted the soul, discovered many wonderful things but couldn't discover the Mighty Creator. In other words they did small things but not big ones,optional ones but not necessary ones.~Hamid.
Walk in the light (spiritual) even during the night.

Even lowering our gaze from unlawful things is a kind of silent Da'wah to our Non Muslim community.The real beauty dosen't lies in the eyes of beholder but in the eyes of those who lower their gazes from obscenity~Hamid
Let them go!

When people whom you are interested in, walk away from you, do not stop them, let them go away.Your destiny is never tied to someone who leaves you and it dosen't mean they are bad people but that their part in your life story is almost over and know that marriage is based upon true knowledge and not just mere looks, practice not preaching, forgiveness not anger, noble love not lust and upon compassion not revenge. ~Hamid
Half of it.

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) said: “Moderation in expenditure is half of economy, friendship with good people is half of wisdom and intelligent questioning is half of knowledge” Bayhaqi.
Light n Love

Nor can goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better: Then will he between whom & thee was hatred become as it were thy friend & intimate! (41:34)
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, you need light to do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, you need love to do that.
May Allah be pleased with them.

“The word “shams” (sun) is feminine, and “qamar” (moon) is masculine. The sun burns itself out to give light and life to everything around, and the moon is muneer, meaning it reflects the light. Within itself it has no light; it radiates the brilliance of the sun. So when we shine as men, the implication is that we are reflecting the glorious light of our women.” (Shaykh Abdullah Adhami)
Imam Ghazali Said:

If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation… Know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that he is dealing with you as He does with His ‘Awliya and chosen elite, and is watching over you. Have you not heard his saying, “So wait steadfastly for the judgment of your Lord - you are certainly before Our eyes.” [Surah At-Tur 52:48]
Laws of Learning

Love & heart breaks.

Heart is a muscle & what muscle do when they are torn? Simply they grow back stronger.Expect nothing and you'll be surprised of something.
A thief you can trust, to steal, but a liar, you can never trust, to tell the truth.
Exam time.

“Islam is the university, the world is the class room, the Quran is the syllabus, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the teacher, Allah is the Examiner, Try to pass the final exam.”
A Strange Stranger.

To be a stranger is to be strange, your practices will be mocked and you will be tested, and the best of Allah's servants are those who fall, but get up again, repent, and strive in the way of Allah, so strange are these strangers. May Allah make us among them~ A stranger. "The Muslim is a stranger amongst the non-Muslims. The mu’min (believer) is a stranger amongst the Muslims. The mohsin (one always in worship, successful one) is a stranger amongst the mu’mineen. " Ibn al-Qayim (r)
Live such a life, in your life.

Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know god, should come to know about god because they know you.
My Food

When it comes to my provisions, I rely upon Allaah, my Creator And I know with certainty that He will no doubt provide for me. Whatever’s in my due, will not pass me by, Even if it were to be in the depths of the sea. Allaah the Exalted will bring it forth by His Grace, Even if I were to remain silent over it. So, what can a soul feel sorrow over, When the Most Merciful has set the provisions of the creation?- Imam al-Shafi’i
In Reality

Real love means, helping each other to attain Jannah ( a place of continuous, unending and inexplicable pleasures), and not just holding each other’s hands and walking towards Hellfire.

You're single, because the most merciful is busy writing the best love story for you.Those who care for you may say: If anything happens to you, I'll be beside you but the Almighty says: Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm with you.
He's ok! But what about her?

He promised, so she believed.Then he lied and she died, not physically but mentally. You can trust a theif to steal. But a liar, you can never trust, to tell the truth.
Give ThanksClean it first, then perfume it.
Imam ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله was once asked: “Is it better for me to make Tasbeeh (praise Allah) or to make Istighfaar (seek forgiveness)?” He replied: “The dirty robe is more in need of soap than perfume”

If someone gave you a beautiful, expensive new hat, wouldn’t you be grateful for the generous gift? But shouldn’t you be even more grateful for the One Who gave you the head to put that hat on~Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak.
Do not despair and Do not give up.

“If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don’t judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later.”
"I" ness

When someone beats a rug with a stick, he is not beating the rug – his aim is to get rid of the dust. Your inward is full of dust from the veil of ‘I’-ness, and that dust will not leave all at once. With every cruelty and every blow, it departs little by little from the heart’s face~Rumi
Go easy please!

Go easy on yourself for the outcome of all affairs is determined by god's decree.If something is meant to go elsewhere,it will never come your way, but if it is your's destiny, from you it cannot flee and when God desires good for anyone He blesses him with a sound intellect, makes knowledge (of Islam) beloved to him, bestows fear (of God) on him, makes gentleness his way, enriches him with contentment, and shows him his own faults.(Ibn Khattab)
Believer and hypocrite

Fudayl bin Iyyad said:"The believer speaks little, but does much. And the hypocrite talks a lot, but does little. The believer's speech is wisdom, his silence is contemplation, his gaze is pondering, his actions are righteous. So if this is your state, you shall perpetually be in worship."
what is the soul?

Its Consciousness. The more the awareness, the deeper the soul, when such essence overflows you feel sacredness. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief… and unspeakable Love.
Better than Pearls and Diamonds.

Words that enlighten a soul are indeed better than Pearls and Diamonds and whose words can be better than his who created it (soul) ~Hamid.
Until and Unless you.

All the water in the ocean could never sink a ship unless the water gets inside.Likewise, all the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let it in.
During tough times

Do not lose hope in adversity and complain that God singled you out for punishment, remitting others guilty of worse sins. Your present state could very well be His intent to elevate your spiritual station; or He could just be testing your faith. Everyday that you persevere, you grow closer to perfection. Thus your present despair may be beginning of an infinite blessing.
~ Abdul Qadir jilani
O Son of Adam!

Do not be happy with richness and do not despair of poverty. Do not feel sad during affliction and do not rejoice over prosperity, for just as gold is tried by fire, the pious are tried by affliction. You will not attain what you want except by giving up what you desire, and you will not attain what you aspire to except by enduring patiently what you hate, and exerting yourself in implementing that which has been made compulsory upon you (by Allah)."~Hazrat Ali (r)
Cooking LOVE

"Hearts are like cooking pots. They will boil whatever is in them. And the scooping spoons of these pots are the tongue. Henceforth, look to a person whenever he speaks. For sure, his tongue will scoop up for you what is simmering in his heart: whether it’s (something) sweet or sour, fresh or stale." — [The Illness & the Cure by Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah]
Peace in Prayer.

There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, no matter what the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees.Oh my Lord, how great is Your mercy. How easy difficulties are, for Your sake! How wonderful is struggle, for Your pleasure! How sweet bitterness is to get near You.
Excellent Actions.

‘What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured’.~Prophet of Peace (reported by bukhari)
O Man!

You are not aware of the consequences that would result (if you were granted what you desire) because what you seek might be to your detriment. (O soul) be conscious that your Master is more aware about your well-being than you are. Ibn Al-Jawzee
Dua Decree.

Do you mock the supplication and belittle it? While you do not know what it has the power to do. The arrows of the night (dua) do not miss the target, but they have a set limit, which shall come to an end. So if my Lord wishes, He holds it back. And if the decree is to be fulfilled, He sets it forth.’- Imam Shafi ( I guess this was a response of the Imam to someone who belittled and looked down upon the dua of a worshiper).
Love, a fragile emotion yet most powerful.

"Love is neither disapproved by religion,nor prohibited by the law (shariah) ,for every heart is in Allah's hand." ~Ibn hazm.
When someone falls in love, all rationale goes out of the window, all common sense is discarded, family ties are walked over and best friends suddenly have become the ‘enemy’. It is a truly desperate state of affairs. “Love” a fragile emotion yet so strong and profound that it takes control of our every sense. ~Abu esa.
Love sign !

"Love has certain signs which the intelligent man quick detects and the shrewd man readily recognizes.Of these the first is the brooding gaze:The eye is the widest gateway of the soul,the scrutinizer of its secrets,conveying its most private thoughst and giving expression to its deepest-hiddedn feelings. You will see the lover gazing at the beloved unblinkingly; his eyes follow the loved one's every moment, withdrawing as she withdraws, inclining as she inclines, just as the chameleon's stare shifts with the shifting of the sun"~Ibn hazam in his book Tawq al-Hamamah
Failure is success delayed.

When a person can't answer your questions directly, probably the answer is too painful for you to know or too hard for them to admit.One has to remeber that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better.
Worry ends, when faith begins!

This is the button you need to keep pressing throughout your life.keep pressing patiently till the doors of success and happiness opens.~Hamid.
Life Long Love!
“A man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked him “O Allah’s Messenger, tell me of something I do to win Allah’s love and people’s love”. The Prophet (SAW) answered “Do not love this world, Allah would love you and do not have a longing for whatever people have, people would love you”. (Ibn-Majah)
Helping hands R better than clapping ones.

Trials are nothing but nature's teachers which teaches us the tough subjects of life which we harldy forget in the rest of our life.Trials teaches us what people cannot~Hamid.
Types of tears.

Tears are of four types.They are tears of love,tears of fear,tears of hope and tears of pain.The best "cry", is the cry when you are all alone, weeping out of fear,hope and love of Allah.For just two tears can put up the fire of hell whereas the whole water of oceans cannot do so~Hamid.
Reason for loneliness...

People today feel loneliness because they are building walls instead of bridges.Life thrives on relationships.Get your relationships right with your creator and creations (relatives and neighbors) and you will get your life right.You only live once but if you did it right once is enough.~words of wise.
Throw it...!

Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.
Positive Mind

What grows without an effort in the land is weed and what grows with efforts in the land is seed.Similary what grows without an effort in the mind is a negative thought and what grows with efforts in the mind is a positive thought.
Decide today, do not delay!

Luqman the most wise, said to his son: Dear son! If you have any doubt's in death,then do not sleep for if you sleep,so too will you die and if you have any doubt's in day of resurrection then do not wake up from your sleep,for if you wake up from your sleep so too will you be resurrected after you die.
Heed the words.

Awaken, oh sleepy ones, awaken from your heedlessness. The akhirah awaits us, death is coming, our graves are ready and our judgment is impending. Our destinations are unknown, so we must strive ever more so towards a good end and race towards the Pleasure of Allaah. And let us heed the words of ‘Ali radiAllaahu ‘anhu, in which he said: “The world has departed behind you and ahead of you is the Hereafter. Both of them have children, so be the children of the Hereafter and do not be the children of this world. Today is the day of action with no judgment and tomorrow is the Day of judgment with no action”
What's Love ?

Love is the rank for which people compete; they long to learn about what it entails and they yearn to attain it; it is the provision for the hearts; the food of the souls; the joy of people's lives; the illumination of their minds; the foremost objective in life and the essence of existence. Love of Allaah is life itself, and to be deprived of it entails a terrible death; it is the light without which one would sail in a sea of darkness; it is the cure without which one's heart will be overwhelmed by a multitude of diseases; it is the joy without which one will remain in permanent grief; it is the essence of faith and deeds, without which they become like a soulless body.~Al Bousseeri.
Feelings are felt.

Feelings are much like waves.we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.The best feeling ever, is when you feel so safe,right after you have prayed.
Its heart that becomes blind and not eyes.

People have trained tigers,dogs and even donkeys but couldn't train their own brain on the right path ....Surely Allah (swt) do not guide the stubborn people and the rejectors of truth.~Hamid.
Just remember...

If you ever get sad remember Abdullah ibn mubarak who would say, “The world is the believer’s prison. The best action in the prison is patience and control of one’s anger. The believer has no country in the world, his land will be there tomorrow in the afterlife.
Words of Sheik Al-Arifi.

1) Indeed Allah has honored man,but this does not give him an excuse to oppress the rest of his creatures.(2) Treat people humanly,irrespective of their appearance,wealth and status.(3) Be like a bee that seeks out the scent and ignores the filth and do not be like a fly that sucks out the bloody wounds.(5) Perhaps just a smile at a poor man would raise you in rank in the sight of Allah.(6) A child is like soft clay that we shape according to our treatment of it.(7) Whoever consider exercising good manners as a worship will deal courteously with everyone, be he rich or poor, a manager or a tea-boy~Taken from his Internationally famous book 'Enjoy Your Life'
A Gift of dates.

Someone told Hasan Al-Basri Rahmatullahi alaiyh that a certain person had gossiped about him. Hearing this, Hasan Al-Basri sent a box of fresh dates to the person with the message, “I have come to learn that you have given me the rewards of your good actions. I have sent this small gift in appreciation. Please forgive me for not returning the favour in full.
A poet once said...
“Jewels are stones, but cannot be found everywhere; the sandal tree is a tree, but does not grow in every forest; as there are many elephants, but only one king elephant, so there are human beings all over the world, but the real human being is rarely to be found.”
A plea

O The most forgiving one,O you who loves to forgive, forgive us not, if there would be any decrease in the level of your forgiveness, upon forgiving us. O the ever living one and never dying one, make our exit (from this world) same as was our entry (sin free).Ya rabb forgive us, if you have created us and guided us~Hamid.
Turner of Hearts

Anas (r) narrated that asking for a firm and obedient heart was one of the constant supplications of the Prophet (peace be upon him); and one narration from Umm Salamah states that the Du’a he made the most was: “Allahumma ya Muqallib Al-Quloob thabbit qalbi ‘alaa Deenik,” which means, “O Turner of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your Religion.” There is, however, another authentic Du’a narrated in Sahih Muslim that isn’t as well-known: “Allahumma Musarrif Al-Quloobi Sarrif Quloobana ‘Ala Ta’atika,” which means, “O Allah, Turner of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience.”
How is paradise?

"It is sparkling light, aromatic plants, a lofty palace, a flowing river, ripe fruit, a beautiful wife and abundant clothing, in an eternal abode of radiant joy, in beautiful soundly-constructed high houses".~Ibn Qayyim (rh)
Anger Hurts, Love Heals.

Everyone says that love hurts but that is not true.Loneliness hurts,rejection hurts,losing someone hurts,envy hurts.Everyone gets these feelings confused with love,but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and make someone feel wonderful again.~Voice of love.

You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see,but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.~Voice of heart.
No substitute for him.

"And verily for everything that a slave loses there is a substitute,but the one who Loses ALLAH will never find anything to replace him"~ Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah
Check it!

Look for your heart in three places: when listening to the Qur’an, when seeking knowledge (of Allah) and when in privacy. If you cannot find it in these places, then ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala (exalted is He) to bless you with a heart, for indeed you have no heart. — [ Abdullah Ibn Masood r.a.]
Harden Heart

The slave is not afflicted with a punishment greater than the hardening of the heart and being distant from Allah. For the Fire was created to melt the hardened heart. The most distant heart from Allah is the heart which is hardened. If the heart becomes hardened, the eye becomes dry. If four matters are exceeded in quantity, beyond what is necessary, the heart shall become hardened: Food, sleep, speech and sexual intercourse. A body afflicted by disease does not derive nourishment from food or water, similarly a heart diseased by desire does not benefit from admonishment or exhortation.~Ibn Qayyim.
O My Lord...

Don't let me ever turn away from You, no matter how many trials and difficulties You test me with. Let these difficulties serve to make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You.
How is it possible?

A thirsty man's thirst cannot be quenched off, If he just keep on walking down the river whole day,unless he drink from it.Then how can a man benefit from this book (Qur'an) if he just keep on reciting and listening to it without putting it in to practice.~Hamid.

Truly Allah the exalted, has imposed certain obligations, 'Do not abolish them; He has forbidden certain things, Do not violate them; He has laid down certain limits, Do not trangress them; He was silent about certain matters, out of 'MERCY' for you, not-forgetfulness... Do not seek after them.'~Hadith
Its a challenge.

Qur'an answers what even Google cannot.So search in Qur'an what you don't find anywhere else ~Hamid
Neither Praise nor curse.

Science and Technology should not be praised nor should it be cursed but simply it must be used because it cannot give us Peace except Ease.The former is necessary and the latter is optional.~Hamid
A Magnificent book with a mighty message.

Just like there is no corner in a circle,no hole in the sky,no color in the water; like wise there is no error in Al-Qur'an - A Magnificent book with a mighty message from Al-Mighty for all mankind.~Hamid
Music vs Qur'an.

Our Muslim Ummah is a fortunate Ummah(Nation).It was forbidden from what causes distress to soul(music) and was given in replacement what brings tranquility to heart (Qur'an)~Iqbal Zaheer Editor of Young Muslim Digest.
Shun your tension.

Some eyes are restless whilst others are in sleep In meditating that which may or may not occur , So leave the worrying as much as possible As carrying the burdens of anxiety is madness .There is your Lord, who provided you with the solutions to yesterday And He will similarly provide for what is to come today.Let events flow in their predestined path And do not sleep except with a clear mind .Between the period of a blinking of an eye and it’s opening Allah changes things from one state to another - Aidh al qarni
Lets be happy and content...

Whatever Allah has decreed for His believing slave is a blessing even if that is in the form of withholding; it is a favour even if that is in the form of a trial, and the calamity decreed by him is fair even if it is painful. Madarij al-Salikeen, 4/215.
Let's Live Like This.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.~Arab poet.
Health is wealth.

Health is a state of complete physical, phsycological,emotional,Spiritual,Financial and Social well-being, and not merely the absence of Diseases and symptoms.~Hamid
Life is really Fair ...

Life is always fair, and the reason for that is the hereafter. For anyone who believes in the hereafter will realize that every hardship will hit a dead end. And that dead end will have a door, beyond the door is the reward. When one accepts fate, situations, hardships, pain, they have already passed 50% of the trial by accepting it. Then it’s about getting through it. Knowing that Allah is the only one who can give it and also clear us of it will make us turn to Him and then we will find is so much easier. What makes it hard is the fact that we think “life isn’t fair”, “why me?” “why do i deserve this?” etc. We are tiny tiny creations and we can NEVER question our Lord. - Br. Yasin
Patient's Patience.

“…Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account.” [az-Zumar 39:10]. Sulayman ibn Qasim said that the reward of every deed is known, except for the reward of patience, which will be like heavy rain. and remeber that Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.
Learning from the Learned.

We learn… 10% of what we read. 20% of what we hear. 30% of what we see. 50% of what we see and hear. 70% of what we discuss with others. 80% of what we experience. 90% of what we teach to someone else.
Read, Re-Read & Reflect.
Do not be sad if you were born black and poor. It's not your mistake nor of your creator's, but it's just a matter of test for you and do not be proud of yourself if you were born white and rich.It's not your greatness nor of your father's, but it's just a matter of test for you too.Death will be the final measure of you both.Remember that neither every bounty is a blessing nor every pain is a punishment for Allah(swt) send some blessings as pain and some pain as blessings in disguised form.So Wipe your tears,think well of your Lord,and chase away your worries by remembering the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you.Don't you think that this world is ever perfect for anyone . There is no one on the face of this earth who gets all what he wants or is free from all kinds of distress.~Inner voice.
Hadith from Heaven.

Jibreel came to me and said: “O Muhammad(saw)! Live as you will, for you must certainly die; love whom you will since you must certainly leave him; act as you will since you shall certainly be given due reward for it; know that the believer's eminence is his standing in prayer during the night, and his honour is having sufficiency without dependency upon the people.” al-Haakim (4/324)
A Psychological fact.
When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye,it's happiness,but when the first roll is from the left,it's pain.
A cry of a hopeful soul...

O Allah!How can I ask you for any favours knowing how disobedient I am,But how can I not ask you for anything knowing how generous you are?
Eyes too worship by weeping.

Never be ashamed of your tears.Expressing your tears is vital to both mental and physical health.Tears at the right time and in the right place have such healing powers as to make them seem almost holy.Tears confirm you are still capable of deep emotions.They reveal that you are able to feel deeply.Tears simply mean you are still human.If something is worth your love,it is worth your tears too.~Voice of tears.
Don't be sad.
Don't be sad,because it causes the heart to contract,the face to frown,the spirit to weaken and hope to vanish.Life is too short to make it even shorter through disputes.So dont be sad.~Sheik Aid-Al-Qarni
High Fly.

No matter how high bird's fly...they always keep their eyes on earth but what makes a man walk upon it with pride and arrogance? Dosen't he know that he will be swallowed and crushed by it one day?~ Hamid.
A reality.

Arrow goes forward only after pulling in to backward.Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward.Every human being will get happiness only after facing the difficulties in their life path.So do not afraid to face your difficulties.They will push you forward forever.~Voice of wise
Pride falls,Love climbs.

It is better to loose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride.
Marriage is...

Marriage is like the weather, forever changing. Sometimes it is cloudy and rainy, life appears gloomy, then the sun appears and rays of happiness break through bringing joy. At times, one experiences rain, wind and sunshine all in one day. Such is life, and like the seasons, we go through different experiences. The secret is to remain devoted and steadfast to one’s Deen and spouse.~Sheik Mohammad Saleem
Someone is happy just because of you.

When you think you are not happy with your life,always think that someone is happy,simply because you exist.Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings.Fill your head with happy thoughts and your heart with fragrance of faith.~voice of heart.
See the sign in your fingures.
The spaces in between your fingures were created so that another's could fill them in.One day your life will flash before your eyes.Make sure it's worth watching ~Voice of wise.
Power of Faith

Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.
Sign of Success
No matter where ever you go, even in the lonely path, Allah will always be with you.Among the signs of success at the end is the turning to Allah at the beginning~Syaikh Ibn ‘Ataillah.
Real eyes only, Realize the Reality.
"The woman becomes more attractive, when she becomes more modest and shy. Modesty is the thing that attracts me and many other men. The more a woman is modest , the more attractive she becomes….~Voice of faith.
Worry less,Limit stress.
One can be angry with anyone,that's easy; but to be angry with the right person,at the right time,to the right degree,for the right purpose and also in the right environment is not so easy and it's not within everybody's power.Expressing anger hurts others while supressing it, hurts you.So what's the solution? Transcending it, is the only solution.It's a feeling which makes your mouth work faster than your mind~Hamid.
The scholar's reply

A muslim scholar was eating in a restaurant and a christian westerner wanted to test him. He said, you muslims claim that your Qur’aan informs you of everything, tell me, what is the food you are eating made out of? The muslim scholar called the chef and asked him whereupon he said to the christian this is what the Qur’aan tells us, to ask those with knowledge when we lack it ourselves.
Chemistry of Life.

Invite ALLAH Into The Chemistry of Life. He Will Dilute Your Sorrows, Evaporate Your Worries, Filter Your Mistakes and Leave You With Crystals Of Happiness.
Make up! Your faith.

A woman, whose face was shining with joy and beauty, was asked: ‘What sort of make-up do you use?’ She said ‘I use for my lips truth, for my voice remembrance of Allah, for my eyes lowering my gaze, for my hands performance of good deeds, for my body sincerity and straightness, for my heart the love of Allah (SWT), for my mind wisdom, for my soul obedience of Allah, and for my desire the Iman. (faith)
Lift your life.

Lift your life by yourself, by being loyal to him who has given you the life and live it with some standards instead of a standard (luxurious) one, for one day you will leave (die) but your legacy remains ~Hamid.
A Mighty Test

Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah said: “Whoever seeks honor [by marrying a woman] will be tested with lowliness, and whoever seeks wealth [by marrying a woman] will be tested with poverty, but whoever looks for righteousness [in a woman], then Allah would combine both honor and wealth with righteousness for him in her.”
Patience -An Invisble Garment~So wear it.

"Is it not strange that Allah gave you good health for years, and then when he afflicts you with some pain,you wear a banner on your head to advertise your pain?" Hasan al-basri says that after that day he never ever complained of any hardship he faced.
Be a book bee.

"Seek knowledge because seeking it for the sake of Allah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh. Through knowledge Allah will be known and worshipped. With the knowledge Allah will elevate people and make them leaders and imams, who will in turn guide other people." Ibn Taymiyyah (rh)
Forgive them,You will be forgiven too.

To love and not to forgive is to hate.To refuse forgiveness out of strength is weakness.To forgive and yet still shun the one you forgave is not to have forgiven at all ~Voice of faith.
Permanent changes.

My personal experiences suggest that by constantly pressurising a child and by constantly telling him where he is wrong,you only dent his self-image.This approach does not make anybody better.It only make them worse.Encouraging the positive side of a person,appreciating even the slightest of improvements in him, a soft hand on his shoulders, a gentle pat on his back, and little words of motivation will be the sure fireways to support any child.With this approach,even if the changes are slow,they will be lasting,permanent changes.~Voice of love
State of worry.

All humans are dead except those who have knowledge;and all those who have knowledge are asleep,except those who do good deeds;and those who do good deeds are deceived,except those who are sincere;and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry.~Imam shafi.
Voice of heart will be heared

If u make intesne supplication n the timing of the answer is delayed, do not despair of it, His reply to u is guaranteed but in the way he chooses,not the way you choose n the moment he desires,not the moment u desire.
Change their future.

Orphans cant change their past but u can change their future.Let us lit the lamp of love within us first and then lift the life of loveless.In lifting them we'll lift ourselves~Hamid
The best of all...

Beloved Prophet MUHAMMAD (pbuh) had no servants,yet they called him master,had no degree,yet they called him teacher,had no medicine,yet they called him healer.He (pbuh) had no army,yet kings feared him,he won no millitary battles,yet he conquered the world.He (pbuh) was burried in a tomb,yet he lives today..I feel honored to serve such a magnificent leader who loves us!
Ask it daily...Disguised reality.

Every pain will be a blessing in a disguised form if it is endured with patience and every blessing will be a pain if it is misused,remeber what a king at his death bed said:Aah! If only i had known that life could be so small,I wouldn't have done what I have done.~Hamid.

O Allah! I ask you a blessing that do not end,contentment that never ceases,knolwedge which is beneficial, sustenance which is good,deeds which are acceptable,acceptance of your decree, and a life of peace and happiness and not of anxiety and depression..
Maintain a + attitude

When you face a calamity or hear a heart breaking news or when you loose a beloved one or when a disease touch you.Raise your hands and head and say: Subhanallah! worst could have happened.Alhumdulilla! It didn't happen.What have i lost.Lost I have nothing.I own nothing of my own.what belongs to me that I will loose.~Hamid
Faithful Freind

Its much better to have one poor but pious friend than to have hundred rich wicked ones.~Hamid.
A note on reading

Reading opens the mind,guides one to correct morals and sharpen's one's ability to think.Reading is a comfort for the lonely,a stimulant for the thinker and a lamp for the traveller.He who cannot read good books has no advantage over him who cannot read.-Dr Aidh-al-Qarni
Irrefutable Truth

Know that Allah has made Islam the most sublime path for attainment of his supreme pleasure and the highest standards of his worship and obedience.He has favoured it with noble precepts,exalted principles,undoubtable arguments,unchallengable supremacy and undeniable wisdom.It is up to you to maintain the eminence and dignity granted to it by the lord,to follow it sincerly,to do justice to its articles of faith and belief,to obey implicity its tenets and orders and to give it the proper place in your lives.-Ali(r).
There can be no Islam without unity.No unity without leadership and no leadership without obediance(Umar Ibn khattab).
Beauty and Poverty.

Wealth needs the poor to whom it can be given-just as a beautiful woman needs a clear mirror in which to see her beauty.A mirror reflects the beauty of a face,poverty brings forth generosity from where it is hidden-Sheik Sadi(r)
Truly richest they were ...

I met with people who deemed the world to be less important than the earth underneath thier feet.One of them would own only enough sustenance to maintain his body,yet he would still say ' I will give part of this in the way of Allah (swt)'...Hasan Basri (r)
What you wanna do?

Success in marriage doesn't come merely by choosing the right mate, but by being the right mate.And the one who loves his/her beloved should know that LOVE is an act of faith and not of lust,whoever is of little faith, will be of little love~Hamid
The biggest wonder of the world.

Be careful not to make a woman cry, because Allah (SWT) counts her tears. A woman came out not from man's feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior over, but from his side to be equal, under the arm to be protected and next to the heart to be loved.
Human Nature

It is human nature to be forgetful, as the Arab poet said:“He is only called man (insaan) because of his forgetfulness (nasiyaan), and it is only called the heart (al-qalb) because it changes so rapidly (yataqallib).”In the past they said that the first one to forget (awwal naasin) was the first man (awwal al-naas), meaning Adam, peace be upon him.Forgetfulness is something that varies from person to person according to each individual’s nature; some may be more forgetful than others.
That's Lovetitude,which changes everything

A man broked his wifes' heart in to pieces but her reply to him was "I shall remember you not as the one who broked my heart but as the one who taught me how to live with a broken heart."~Hamid.
Coal to diamond

Never consider your opinion for a person based upon his present situation ,because time has the power to change an ordinary coal in to a precious diamond.
An Enlightment...

Do not earn wealth and loose people for earning people is a way to earn wealth.Whoever consider excercising good manners as a worship will deal courteously with everyone,be he rich or poor,a manager or a teaboy.
He Should Honor Her.

A woman can be patient with her husband's poverty,unattractiveness and busy schedule but she cannot be patient with his rude behaviour.No man honors a woman except a honourable one and no one demeans a woman except a mean person~Sheik Muhammad Al-Arifi.
License to Lie

When you ask people to lie FOR you,you have taught them to lie TO you.Through every disrespectful fight that hapens between a husband and a wife they have issued a license to thier children to disrespect them.
when Trust is absent,Suspicion rules.

A friend ask's his friend,What will you do if i deceive you?He replied:Trusting you will be my decision and proving me right will be your choice.
What have you lost in your life.?

Lost I have nothing as I own nothing of my own.What belongs to me that i may loose?~Hamid.
Do you feel alone?

A man (guest) was about to leave from the house of his host,as he was about to leave his host said him:Dear brother upon you is to fear your mighty master,and whoever have piety in is heart will never feel alone
Sorrowness avail not...

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for.
Eyes Vs Heart

Eyes see only the external appearence while heart see the reality.The former can be decieved but the latter cannot~Hamid.
Live to Give

Those who give are given.Thos who forgive are forgiven.The creator serves those who serves his creation.Rise above me,mine and myself.In lifting others you will be lifted.
You can do that.

If you cannot encourage someone,do not even criticise.If you cannot benefit someone do not even harm him.Sow something better today to reap the best tomorrow~Hamid.
Be Thankful-Be Happy

"Stay happy with the little that you have from Allah, so that He may be happy with the little that you do"
Visa of life

Strange is the visa of life because it can be cancelled at any time.Its validity is unkown and its extension too is impossible-Maulana Yonus patel.
Ask the Best...

O Allah! I ask u a blessing that does not end, contentment that never ceases, knowledge which is beneficial,sustenanace which is good,deeds which are acceptable and acceptance of your decree.
Even more so

Shyness and modesty of men is an excellent virtue, but the shyness and modesty of women is even more so -Hazrat Abu bakr (r).
See with three eyes.

When ever you see Allah's creation/nature see it with three eyes,two of your head's &; one of your knowledge.( ILM is third eye of a Muslim)
A muslimah in hijab is...

Respected-not laughed at,Purified-not sullied,Protected-not exposed,Obedient-not a sinner,Noble-not degraded,Libeated-not subjugated,Independent-not a slave,Dignified-not dishonoured,Confident-not insecure,A guarded pearl-not a toy~ Syed Iqbal Zaheer
Isn't Amazing?

Animals have bigger tongue but cannot talk,wo/men have shorter ones but can't keep quiet.
Which one first?

Asking someone whether he is an indian first or muslim first is like asking someone whether he is the son/daughter of his father first or mother first.
Seek it till your end...

Whoever possesses knowledge but has no wealth,Is like one possessing feet without any sandals.And whoever possesses wealth but has no intellect,Is like one possessing sandals but has no feet! [Abdul-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Muqatili]
Think Laterally

Lateral thinking is such a multi-taskey which can open the most difficult locks of life.~Hamid.
Need a pint of patience to love ...

Any body can love a rose,but it takes a great deal to love a thorn…A rose is not injured though it lives in midst of them, then how about we?Let’s not complain about others,Let’s change ourselfs if only we want peace .It is easier to protect our feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.
Path of life

"The bitter path of life strengthens your wisdom, faith and knowledge while the easy path of life empties your mind and heart"…Zohra Moosa
Learn to Live

"Learn Patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from Khadijah,Purity form Maryam,Sincerity from Aaishah and Steadfastness from Fatimah"
You are not alone

The most determinative and motivating sentence which should always be followed in life is - The Race is NOT OVER because I haven't WON yet.
Watch it...

Watch your eye, should it ever reveal to you the faults of others, say to it: "O my eye, other people have eyes too."
He who has fallen and has got up again has not fallen at all...

Just kneel down on your knees or bow down on your elbows before Allah kareem when life gets too hard for you to stand.
Allah's delay is not Allah's denial...

Whoever makes pure his intentions and deeds,then life is made pure and good for him.whoever does the opposite then his life is made bitter and spoiled for him.whoever does good deeds in the night is provided for during the day and whoever does good during the day is provided for during the night.
How can we achieve it S CCESS without U?

Ya Allah! Grant us success in every walk of our life by strengthing our soul,empowering our whole (eman) and by blessing our efforts.
Fragrance Fly.

The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions!
Use your heartsight

Look at those who are lower than you in wealth and beauty so that u dont despise Allah's blessings ~Hadith.
Blame Game

This is a story about four people named Everbody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everbody blaming Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Heal your Heart before it gets too late.

The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah.It becomes rusty as a mirror becomes rusty,and its clearity is obtained by az-Zikr.It becomes naked as the body becomes naked,and its beautification is al-Taqwa.It becomes hungry and thirsty as the body becomes hungry and thirsty,and its food and drink are knowledge,love,dependance,repentance and servitude.-Ibn al- qayyim
Predestined Provision.

A man will never die untill he is done with his provision i.e he will get his due proportion of provision that was predestined for him.~Hamid
Paint your personality with pen of piety.

Fill the world with colour, paint it everywhere you go.Paint everything you see, and tell everyone you know.Qur’an will be your paint, and your brush will be iman.So fill the world with colour, every colour of Islam.(unknown)
Dare 2 4get it.

Remember your graves because your way passes over it.You will be dealt with as you deal with others,you will reap what you sow and what you send today will meet you tommorrow-Hazrat Ali(r).
Wheel your heart without hurting others.

Drive your heart on the wheels of faith.Neither go right nor left but go away straight till you reach the doors of paradise.~Hamid
Mess With Your Stress.

Press the stress with fist of faith and stick to sunnah to kick the stress~Hamid
The boat of life...

Falling in love with a fading shadow is sheer stupidity.Life moves on with or without spouse .The prime fact is that, alone you came in this world,so shall you'll go~Hamid.
No thorn,No rose~No sorrow,No joy.

Know that where there is a rose there will be a thorn,and with wine there is intoxication and over a treasure there is a coiled serpent and where there are royal pearls there are devouring monsters~Sheik Sadi.
Gratitude is like vitamin for soul.

The one who is not thankful for a small blessing cannot be thankful even for a mountain of gold~Hamid.
Catch it if you can

The life is fleeting,the angle of death will soon be meeting,lets do good while our hearts are still beating,for we cannot delay the day of appointed meeting~Amina reden
Height of Honor

Giving right kind of knowledge at the right time, at the right degree,in the right way,for the right purpose and by the right person and also in the right environment can take a child to the heights of success which cannot be measured off.~Hamid
State of Man

Qatadah said: Allaah created angels with reason and no desires, animals with desires and no reason, and man with both reason and desires. So if a man's reason is stronger than his desire he is like an angel, and if his desires are stronger than his reason then he is like an animal.
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